How To Build An Online Store Using WordPress?

How To Build An Online Store: Do you want to start your online store? We understand that building an online store can be a terrible thought, especially if you are not tech-savvy. Well, you are not the only one. After helping thousands of people start their online stores, we created the most thorough guide on building your online store with WordPress (step by step).

Decide What You Want to Sell Your Online Store?

What You Want To Sell Your Online Store

The very first necessary step is choosing your specific niche. As is often stated, a particular location is a specific element of a broader market.

Sorry if this looks a bit like a dictionary. Let’s simplify this into less complex terms. First, when choosing your specific niche, you need to determine the following:

  • First, what do you desire to offer?
  • Second, who are you going to show it to?
  • Third, why would they certainly acquire it?

These three requests may seem obvious, but they are far from it.

Once you define your appropriate customer base and determine why they would buy from you, your work will become easier later. The most significant mistake individuals too and generally hoping that the bigger the potential market, the more likely they will make big sales. It is not fixed.

Assume that your target customer base is then “people who breathe.” In this case, you will have difficulty getting your product to market, promoting it, and discussing its importance.

Overall, it’s much better to focus on a specific niche than walk around.

It is ideal to start where you have an individual passion, expertise, or interest. However, running in an area you do not understand difficult.

So start with your interests and start browsing from there. But first, define your suitable customer and what drives them to acquire the items you want to offer.

An excellent starting factor is considering what your competition is doing in the specific niche. Then, see how it places all items that are their customers. Then, learn from it and build on other people’s experiences.

Choose Between Dropshipping and Selling Products On Your Online Store

Dropshipping And Selling Your Products

Let’s start by discussing two preferred eCommerce circumstances:

Scenario # 1 is the traditional means of running an online store.

  • You receive articles from the dealer, or you create them yourself. → (2) You offer these articles to customers via your website. → (3) The customer buys the product. → (4) You send the product to him.

Here’s the dropshipping design: 

  • You start by detailing the items on your website → (2) the customer buys the product →, (3) the retailer sends the product directly to the customer.

First, the main benefit of the dropshipping design is that you don’t have to keep supplies independent. That means there are no costs associated with producing or storing the items. Second, in reality, everything you offer is pure sales since you have to pay the merchant after receiving an order from your customer.

Traditional design requires you to spend money upfront to purchase or produce items from the retailer. It would be helpful to do this before you can start offering them.

On the other hand, dropshipping is not for you if the items you are trying to sell are your own making or need to be customized/personalized before listing.

If you can, go for total dropshipping, especially if this is your first time opening an online store. Dropshipping is an excellent average for testing the water and verifying that the items you are trying to sell are undoubtedly something customers will want to buy. Later you can also offer your articles.

Choose the Exact Products to Sell Your Online Store

Products To Sell Your Online Store

One of the great things about dropshipping is that there are tons of different items in virtually every niche.

It is excellent information for companies just starting and who don’t want to purchase their product development.

The overall actions are:

  • Research your specific niche. Examine what kind of items your competitors are offering and what very successful things they are.
  • Go to content pages online to find out what obstacles, elements, or points are in your target market ratings.
  • Visit online niche forums and see what your customers are talking about.
  • Search Google for keywords that are best for your specific niche.
  • Go to Amazon and do a comparative study. See which items are doing well.

With all this study now, you can go to a few preferred markets and look for detailed articles.

Sell AliExpress Products On Your Online Store

It’s a regular e-commerce marketplace by many criteria. You can also build relationships with sellers and drop-ship their items. Go there and look for articles that match the actual study conducted and seem interesting – enough for your customer base to enjoy.

We recommend starting between 10 and 50 items. It will surely give you plenty of things to complete your business without confusing you about what happens when you work with the company daily.

When creating a list of items, keep the following in mind:

  • First, make sure the product is offered to ship to locations where your target market locate. The lower the shipping costs, the better.
  • Double-check shipping times and make sure they don’t exceed what you indeed think is reasonable (we leave it up to you to determine what serves and what doesn’t)
  • Stay away from branded items whenever possible (for example, you don’t want to rely on Adidas tennis shoes for sale).
  • It is a common technique for dropshipping businesses to keep their margins around 50%. When looking for items to sell, focus on the ones that are half the price as opposed to what you want to offer them.

Choose a Business Name and Register a Domain Name For Your Online Store

Business Name And Register A Domain Name

Choosing a domain name for your business is one of the most fun components of the entire industry. People love to name points – especially companies.

However, the name you do with can be very relevant to your future success and ability to market the business properly. Here are the key points to consider when designing a company name:

Choose a name that is easy to pronounce.

Imagine you are talking to someone on the phone, and you ask to provide your business name. Do you need to understand it for the various other people to understand?

If you do, the name is complicated too. Go for something simple that you can articulate the first time.

Choose a name that is easy to remember.

It is more related to the previous factor. Your name is straightforward to articulate but must also be clear to remember.

You can accomplish this in several ways. One solution is to use an entirely made-up word for your name (believe in “Google”). Alternatively, you can create two comments that matter and still make a drop cap if they follow each other (belief in “Facebook”).

Choose a brandable name.

Your name must be initial enough to ensure that individuals do not falsify it for various other comparable companies.

For example, if you want to name your restaurant “Pizza Den” and then a “Pizza Pan” store afterward, that is not a reputation.

Pick a short name (ish)

No longer than a mixture of 2-3 words. It’ll be harder to remember any longer and a lot less brandable.

Do not use special characters or numbers.

Also, ignore points, marks, dashboards, etc.

Choose a name that is available as an domain.

The .com is one of the number’s most preferred and essential domain name extensions. When designing a name, you do not opt for something that a .com domain name does not offer.

You can check if your desired domain name list is on a domain name registrar site such as (but do not buy it).

Start an Online Store Website By Yourself

Start An Online Store Website

After all, it’s time to start building an actual online store.

Here is the most effective component:

  • You can do everything yourself.
  • No professional help is required.
  • You don’t have to give up on the highest quality of the final result.

Your online store will be just as practical and good-looking as a professional created it.

To achieve this, I recommend using WooCommerce.

However, there are alternative ways to collect an online store. For example, you can also use Shopify (or other eCommerce systems available).

Set Up Payment Methods On Your Online Store

Set Up Payment Methods

The final challenge in starting an online store is approving customer payments.

By default, WooCommerce allows you to approve payments through PayPal. You don’t have to do much to enable this payment system either. You’ve most likely looked at this during the preliminary WooCommerce setup.

That means you can choose different payment systems and use several alternative methods simultaneously. One of the factors behind this may be that some of your customers like detailed payment techniques towards others. Therefore, the more you have built right into your business, the more revenue you generate.

Two of the most popular payment methods for WooCommerce are Stripe and Square if you want to approve credit cards (which you sure do).

Both Stripe and Square are initially free. After that, however, additional fees interfered with every purchase (this is consistent with PayPal).

Setting up a new payment technique in your eCommerce store is easy. These payment systems all come as WordPress plugins to mount on. Of course, you also set up WooCommerce.

After that, each payment system has its facility handling. First, however, you must sign up for an account and confirm your details in most cases.

Start Marketing Your Online Store

Start Marketing Your Online Store

You can bring up several points to get information about your business, but we’re going to focus on just four – the four most likely to operate and develop in 2021.

Online Store: Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a relatively new means of promoting your business. Most of it does on Instagram.

The means that it works is this:

  • Find people who are preferred or known for whatever factor in your specific niche.
  • Contact them and ask about the prices for promotional items like your own. Also, focus on the dimension of their following and inquire about the variety of participation they will get among similar blog posts.
  • Agree to a series of 2 or 3 marketing blog posts and send them your articles.

Online Store: Paid ads

Paid advertising usually never stops working before. So if there is a market for something and advertising targets that market, you will get some sales.

The most preferred platform for marketing your articles is Google AdWords. It’s pretty easy to get started, and Google has guides to help you get started.

Online Store: Social media marketing

While Instagram is one of the hottest social media networks, that doesn’t mean it’s the only place you should promote your business.

In reality, you should exist where your customers are most likely to hang out. It implies many preferred social media networks in this day and age. At least the top companies like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest (if your customers use it).

Your method with these networks will undoubtedly be comparable, but the goals and means of composing your messages will differ.

The first thing you should do is research your competition and how they are promoting their businesses. Be aware of their methods and strategies and see what you can adapt to your scenario.

Mainly focus on:

  • The type of messages they upload
  • The regularity of the publication
  • How often do they promote their articles
  • What is the essential C voice, and how do you feel through its messages?

Next, set your goals for what you want to achieve with social media.

These goals often include building brand awareness among customers, promoting your items regularly, and generating direct sales. If you squeeze your belongings too hard, you’ll be quickly pushing individuals away.

The following action sets a magazine schedule and prepares some social media blog posts in advance. After that, you can publish these blog posts using tools like Buffer.

Online Store: Content Marketing and SEO

Nowadays, content marketing and SEO are the most efficient techniques for promoting a website (eCommerce stores).

The concept of content marketing is simple: you provide individuals with an understanding of topics relevant to your business and thus create a passion for what you have to offer.

For example, if your business markets socks for the winter months, you can give individuals recommendations on choosing ski socks. You can make these recommendations in the form of a simple article. When individuals review your content, they will also showcase your business and the socks you have in your brochure.

The same concept can adapt to any market or specific niche.

Find out what individuals want to understand, then create content that makes that information accessible to them.

While doing this, improve your content to make it more visible on Google. It reported that Google is responsible for 94% of all-natural online traffic.

Here you can find even more information on how to get even more traffic using free methods.

Online Store: Conclusion

This article is a WordPress eCommerce guide that has walked you through every step of building your online store on one of the largest platforms on the web. You learned how to choose your hosting provider, decide which plugin to use, install the plugin, add your first product, and set up a payment gateway for your website.

By the end of this article, you should have a fully functional, albeit barebones, an eCommerce website that you can keep expanding and improving as you need.

Shajahan Sajal
Shajahan Sajal

I am Sajal. A Freelancer, a blogger, a Freelance Content Writer, and a geek when it comes to anything related to online marketing. Stay connected to me. Leave a comment if you like my articles.

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