Meta Tags for SEO: How to Write Them and Why You Should

Meta tags are a powerful tool for boosting your website traffic. They help search engines categorize and rank websites based on content, keywords, or phrases that appear in the meta description tag and keyword list.

Meta tags can play an important role in ranking sites online with Google’s algorithms – but what are they? Let’s take a closer look at these actual web contents!

Internet Marketers have been discussing these Meta tags for SEO purposes for years, even though as Meta tags, they only appeared in Meta code on a Web page.

What are Meta Tags?

What are Meta Tags

A Meta Tag is simply a description inserted into the HTML of your web page to tell search engines what this particular page is about and enrich the web page’s content. It helps get natural and relevant Search Engine Results Pages (SERP), which benefits you and your visitors by giving them better results.

The Meta tag or Meta description tag must not be confused with Header tags like H1, H2, H3, etc., which as apart from their name imply are used to specify the header of a web page. Instead, meta tags can describe the Meta keywords, Meta descriptions, and Meta Keywords that make up this Meta tag.

Many people assume Meta tags are unimportant because they were included in Meta code and were invisible on your site, unlike any text you write. However, even though Meta tags do not show up directly on the Web page viewed by the user, it is still essential for Search Engines to understand what a site is about if it wants a better ranking for its pages.

How do they work for SEO?

When meta keywords are filled in, they better explain what this site is about to search engines like Google.

Searching for words that appear in the site’s content provides more relevant results for users. [Added the bolded text was to make it sound more authoritative] This is how search engines can read into your web pages and combine them to display related information on their SERP.

Why should you use Meta Tag for SEO?

The Meta tag will show up in the Meta aspect of Google’s search engine results and other sites powered by it. Therefore, it is a great way to tell what your site is all about to visitors and Search Engines, which can help improve Search Engine Rankings and conversions for your business simply because customers are more apt to stay if they know you provide what they need.

Another important Meta tag is Meta descriptions Meta Keywords, which comes from one Meta tag we discussed earlier: The Description Meta Tag. This helps improve search engine optimization (SEO). Once again, these Meta tags Meta keywords Meta tags Meta description Meta Keywords tell people or spiders what your Web page is all about. It can also rank a site for relevant searches.

How to Use Meta Tags For SEO?

Meta Description, Meta Keywords, Meta Tags should be used as part of the place in the head section of your HTML code on every webpage.

Most Search Engines allow at least 160 characters for this portion, and most marketing companies recommend between 150-160 characters. It’s enough space to share what you want – depending on if you go over that amount, most Search Engines will truncate the text automatically, which may make SEO less effective or even useless.

Why Must You Include Meta Tags On Your Website?

Why Are Meta Tags Necessary For SEO? Powering your site through keywords is necessary when having better rankings with search engines like Google or Yahoo.

Meta tags are important because they function as keywords that improve your ranking position in Search Engine Results Pages for the Meta Keywords. Meta descriptions and keywords are sometimes used to find meta tags through these two attributes since search engines do not always use them as ranking factors, but this is more common for Bing than Google.

Meta tags are also helpful in giving context to your content that might not be clear from its title alone; it helps users decide if they want to read on or look elsewhere.

Meta Description Tag or Meta Description?

Meta Descriptions

A meta description tag is a short blurb of text that describes what your site/article/e-book is about so visitors can see whether they will be interested in reading more. Meta descriptions are crucial for many reasons:

Meta descriptions help determine what your page looks like in the SERPs of search engines (including Google and Bing). This is important because you want to ensure that your Meta Tags stand out as much as possible from all the other Meta Tags competing for top rankings. If people click on a page, they should immediately see a description that clearly describes the value of web page content to understand better if it’s relevant. Meta Description also helps search engines learn about your website by indexing its Metadata, even if users don’t read the Meta description itself.

Additionally, Meta tags can improve click-through rate since Meta tag tells users what to expect on related pages. Meta tags are also essential to help users decide whether a page is worth reading or not. Meta description allows you to tell the browser what content and Meta Keywords are relevant for searchers. Meta Tags are not visible on the web page itself, but only Meta code in HTML format on the Meta tag.

Meta Keywords Tag

Meta keywords tag helps search engines determine the relevancy of published pages through their Metadata, so a clear-cut relationship between meta keywords with description can enhance quality and relevance when someone uses specific words as part of the query to Google or Yahoo!.

A typical Meta keywords statement would appear between Meta tags such as <META NAME=” keywords” CONTENT=” Meta Keywords “>. SEO specialists also use Meta keywords to determine what Meta keywords and Meta descriptions a given page should have. Unfortunately, the Meta tags are not always easily understandable, mainly when someone is new to making Meta tags for their website.

Meta tags help search engines understand your content better through its title (Text Headings) and Meta description to assist crawlers in indexing your web pages correctly, which allows you to rank well in SERPs.

Meta Tags For Beginners

For beginners, I would strongly recommend reading the following article on Meta Tags for beginners published by Ashraf below: <span style=”color:#008000″> Meta Tags For Beginners </span>.

The Meta Tags function is not limited to Meta Keywords and Meta Description alone, but Meta tags can be considered in your website.

Suppose you want to add even more Metadata about your page. In that case, these Meta tags can help search crawlers identify elements within your site as best they can by providing information about the page content and other Meta Data about your web pages.

Search Engine crawlers have their algorithms for determining relevant content within Meta Tags, making it hard to pinpoint which keywords should be used as Meta Keywords during indexing. However, meta tags offer an advantage over keywords directly into Meta descriptions because you will get more traffic when people look for these words in Meta keywords. Thus, meta tags help SEO specialists optimize Meta keywords Meta titles and Meta descriptions.

What Meta Tag Do You Need?

It would help if you made Meta tags for Meta Keywords and Meta Descriptions. Meta description helps search engines understand your content better to assist crawlers in indexing your web pages correctly, which allows you to rank well in SERPs. Meta keywords give searchers an idea of your site, but they are not always visible to users. Meta tag words help improve click-through rate from one page to another because Meta tag tells users what to expect on related pages.

Additionally, Meta tags can improve click-through rate since Meta tag tells users what to expect on related pages. As a result, the quality of links pointing back at websites improves,s too, because relevant text attracts more visitors who want to share readers with others interesting to them or provide helpful information on specific topics.

“It is essential to ensure that the Meta keywords for a website reflect what you want users searching on Google or Yahoo! Here’s how Ashraf explains choosing perfect tag words.”

How To Choose Meta Tags For SEO?

How To Choose Meta Tags For SEO

Must select meta tag words strategically; the Meta keywords should include Meta tags relating to your website’s products and services or Meta tag words relevant to a given web page. Keywords Meta tags give searchers an idea of what your site is about, but they are not always visible to users.

Therefore, when choosing a Meta keyword for your site’s Meta description, you have two options: You can use specific Meta keyword phrases OR meta keywords phrases that aim to describe topics or categories related to the content on a particular page. The choice is yours!

How to include them in your blog post?

You can add Meta tags by simply clicking on the “HTML” button on the editor mode in Tumblr, or you can search online to find the Meta tags generator tool quickly.

The meta tag generator tool is straightforward; you have to copy Meta tags and paste them into Meta descriptions or Meta keywords for Meta tags. You can also add Meta tags while uploading a new post on blogger. However, Meta tag generator tools online are quick and easy, and most of them don’t require any skills.

How should Meta Tags appear?

Meta keywords Meta tag should be placed within the header tag < head > of every page, while Meta description Meta tag is usually placed right after the opening < title > tag such as in this example:

<title> Meta Tag </title>

Common mistakes people make when creating meta tags

  1. Meta tags were made in a hurry
  2. Meta tags are missing on most web pages, including some of the best pages!
  3. Meta Keywords used are not relevant to that page. Meta Keywords should always be related to the page content. The meta tag must contain Meta keywords relevant and important for its webpage; otherwise, Meta keywords will not help your website improve ranking!

What if Meta tags aren’t visible?

Well, it’s weird! You created a Meta keyword or Meta description, but they’re visible? This sometimes happens when you make a Google+ account. However, don’t worry about this since no one can see these hidden Meta words on search results except robots crawlers.

Fortunately, there is still a chance for Meta tags to appear on Google search results since the Meta keyword Meta tag can be used as a Meta description. Still, it is guaranteed that you will see Meta Keywords Meta descriptions in the search result unless you use services such as Yahoo! or Bing.

The impact of Meta Description and Meta keywords on SEO

Search engines use Meta tags when displaying search engine result pages (SERPs). Therefore, the meta keyword is one of the essential elements in your webpage. The importance of meta tag words is evident because they play an important role in ranking higher or lower for a particular ‘keyword.’

In general, both Meta tags are essential; because these help users understand what to expect on related web pages. Also, search engine spiders read Meta description Meta tags, so the Meta tag helps search engines display the most relevant results for a given keyword.


The meta tag is an essential part of the code on every webpage. Meta tags should be seen as text links for your visitors, and Meta keyword Meta descriptions must give search engines hints on what to expect on each page. Meta Description Meta tag use is an excellent way to spice up SEO strategies! I hope you have found this article helpful and can benefit from using Meta tags generator tools; happy blogging!

Shajahan Sajal
Shajahan Sajal

I am Sajal. A Freelancer, a blogger, a Freelance Content Writer, and a geek when it comes to anything related to online marketing. Stay connected to me. Leave a comment if you like my articles.

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