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Jungle Scout Review(2024): Why Amazon Marketer Should Use It?

Last year’s Jungle Scout Review found the following to be true: “An FBA company can give your income a healthy boost when you get your hands on a product that makes sales.” However, it is difficult for any business owner who wants to sell items through Amazon.com without researching what products are worth selling in their store first and how they should set up everything else, such as shipping.

Jungle Scout is a software tool that helps Amazon sellers analyze their products and find profitable opportunities. For example, sellers can use it to see which items are trending in the marketplace, how many reviews they have received on each item, what price point works best for them since prices fluctuate so often due to market fluctuations or promotions at other retailers like Wal-Mart and Target.

What is Jungle Scout, and what does it do?

Jungle Scout is a primary Amazon business tool that has developed in the USA since 2012. Jungle Scout does different tasks, one of them being store research for new and existing sellers on Amazon and scouting products to sell. Uses data and advanced algorithms to find profitable products to sell or reveal opportunities for a seller’s existing product(s). JungleScout Review tells you what JungleScout can do for your Amazon business and how you can get the most out of JungleScout.

How does Jungle Scout work? JungleScout Review shows you how Jungle Scout works and what Jungle Scout does. For example, jungle Scout shows competitors’ price history, estimated sales, profit margin information, estimated fees per product. In addition, it also helps analyze potential competition, which makes this software very popular among its users.

JungleScout Review
Home Page

Jungle Scout is a tool that allows you to analyze and sort through this long list of Amazon products to find the most profitable ones, which will ultimately lead to an increase in your business’s profit.

What Does It Do?

Essentially, Jungle Scout offers a variety of different product research tasks. Among the other parts, one of the most important tasks is to keep track of the following statistics of a given product:

  • Daily, weekly, and monthly sales
  • Customer ratings
  • Customer ratings

Not only does it inform the user about the performance of certain products, but it can also monitor the product lists, daily sales, and fluctuations in product sales performance of your competitors to find weak points that could exploit. It can be accepted in two different ways: its web app and its Chrome extension.

Why do you need Jungle Scout?

If you’ve opened an FBA account on Amazon, you probably have an idea of ​​the different products you would like to offer. Still, not all of your product ideas are necessarily profitable. Jungle Scout can help you figure out which products need to show to generate decent income or which are best suited to lay a solid foundation for your FBA business.

What JungleScout Can Do for Amazon Sellers?

Jungle Scout is a relatively cheap software with affordable plans that start from $67/month. That is a small price to pay if it saves sellers from months of work, money spent on shipping products, and time invested in the planning process. In addition, only Jungle Scout has the unique features that find nowhere else (so far), such as:

  • Show list of most profitable products
  • JungleScout Review helps find the best lists of private label products to sell/resell or even ideas to become famous by creating a new brand on Amazon.com. Improve rankings
  • Jungle Scout helps rank your product better so your

How to use the Jungle Scout Tool?

JungleScout has helped numerous people grow their businesses, and JungleStcuit Review can prove it.

Jungle Scout is straightforward to navigate and use, even for non-technical users. I like the search capability, which allows you to find trending products by several different parameters. In addition, Jungle Scout is web-based, so it’s accessible from anywhere with an internet connection.

Jungle scout is great because of its features and because its customer service team is very responsive when assistance is needed.

Why Amazon Marketers should use it

Jungle Scout Review gives you all the information about Jungle Scout that any Amazon seller would ever need to know. JungleScout software has many features that make it the best choice for Amazon FBA sellers looking to find good products to resell on Amazon and who want to make their business big enough. In addition, Jungle Scout Review will tell you how JungleScout can be helpful in your day-to-day job as an Amazon seller and what kind of results can JungleScout bring you as an Amazon seller.

Benefits of using Jungle Scout

Jungle Scout Review shows you what benefits JungleScout can bring to your business long-term with its price averaging feature, trackable inventory levels, and number of sales that the product gets. Also, you will receive a lot of helpful information about how many units are sold each month to better plan your future purchases. It is also important to note that JungleScout enables sellers to estimate Amazon fees and shipping costs for products before selling them on Amazon using an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax loophole called the “Amazon FBA Program.” If this looks complicated for you, no worries, as it only means more profit from less stress.

Jungle Scout Pricing and Plan

Jungle Scout’s pricing is a bit confusing at first. There is the web app, the extension, and the combination package.

JungleScout Pricing
JungleScout Pricing Review

And the price changes whether you pay monthly or yearly. Oh, and it also depends on how many confirmed monthly orders you receive.

But if you take a closer look, it isn’t too confusing. It’s just not as easy as other tools.

I’ll break it down for you here quickly. Block Jungle Scout’s pricing page if you want to see the plans and get a free trial quickly.

The business package offers all the functions of the two sub-packages but allows up to 5 users and 150 individual products. You can get this package for $69 to $99 per month, depending on how you’ve set up your payment options.

Overview of Jungle Scout Features

Now that you have a pretty thorough understanding of what Jungle Scout is, what it does, and what different packages are available, it’s time to look at the power of this tool. First, we’ll continue to take a quick look at three more criteria, then examine some of the typical comments from various users to get an idea of ​​the pros and cons of using Jungle Scout.

Start-up app

The start-up app package offers you the essential functions of Jungle Scout. Then, depending on how you’ve set up your payment options, a single user can track up to 40 products for $29 to $39 per month.

This package includes:

  • Product database
  • Product tracker
  • Competition surveillance
  • Historical sales and ranking data
  • International marketplaces
  • Time-saving filters

This bundle level is a great way to learn how Jungle Scout works and get your business on the right track.

Niche hunter

The addition of this feature only includes the expanded Jungle Scout packages. That makes it a premium feature that will take your business to a whole new level.

What is Niche Hunter and What Makes Jungle Scout Effective? 

Essentially, it helps Amazon sellers find profitable niche categories. Some niches seem appropriate for various reasons, but those niches can be false flags due to some anomalies. Niche hunters can uncover these anomalies and give you an accurate picture of the location. It’s a time-saving feature that allows you to skip some steps in the research process.

Chrome extension

The Chrome extension comes in two different levels: Lite and Pro. You buy for a one-time fee of $97 and $197, respectively.

Chrome Extension
Chrome Extension

The Lite Chrome Extension provides the essential features that require for newbies, including:

  • Monthly sales and earnings
  • Industry-leading accuracy
  • Follow up on ratings and reviews
  • Category and dealer ranking
  • Endless support and updates

The Pro Chrome extension includes all of the above plus some advanced features to add extra power to data analysis for advanced salespeople.

The extras in this package are:

  • Extended integration of the web app
  • Sales Item Profit Calculator
  • Dimensions and weight of the items
  • FBA Fee Estimator
  • Opportunity Score

These additional characteristics differentiate those who get their business off the ground from those who generate income.

User friendly

How user-friendly is it? Often, the question comes first for any software or application, and for a good reason. What’s the point of using something that gives you a headache trying to use it or that requires an advanced degree in systems engineering? The simple answer is that all Jungle Scout products are easy to use and don’t require a significant learning curve. The toggle and input fields work as expected and are usually intuitive. It’s a time-saving tool for product research.

Product database

The Jungle Scout product database is a core feature of the application, and your search for a new niche inevitably begins.

With this tool, you can effortlessly search almost the entire Amazon catalog, which contains millions of products, to narrow down the perfect item for sale. In addition, the database includes products from all major Amazon marketplaces worldwide, which you can then search using the powerful filters available to you.

The filters make this search tool extremely powerful.

You can search by star rating, selling price, various sales, revenue, and many other variables.

Instead of being surprised by the sheer number of results, you can focus on the ones that best fit your strategy.

Within minutes of optimizing your search results, you can create a long list of products that match your evaluation criteria.

When using the tool, the first thing to do is select the marketplace you want and filter the results by choosing the exciting categories.

Next, you need to filter the results further to get a manageable number that best fits each type of product you’re looking for. Here you can filter by price, sales, sales, ratings, size, and sales type (Amazon itself, FBA, or FBM).

Product tracker

Once you have found a product using the database search, there is still more information you need to know before you can determine where the Jungle Scout Product Tracker will use.

Previously, the data in this section show as a graph. Now it is presented in tabular form in the latest version of the software.

In this section, you can create custom groups to keep track of the number of products together. That is ideal for comparison purposes. Below is one way to structure these groups.

After clicking through to one of the groups, enter detailed data on the performance of the recorded products. You can also view this information for each product individually.

It is the perfect way to get a feel for a product’s potential and means far less wasted time in unprofitable niches in the long run.

Supplier database

The supplier database is one of the most exciting new features introduced in this version of Jungle Scout.

Instead of just being a research tool, you can even find the perfect supplier for the products you researched on the same platform.

Anyone who has worked with Amazon FBA for a long time knows the importance of a good supplier and how daunting it can be to find the right one.

Jungle Scout has simplified this process with a searchable supplier database. It all starts with a simple search bar where you enter the type of product you want.

As you can see, you can also search for these if you already know the name of a company or supplier that you want to deal with.

Here you can save them for later, get their contact information, or click the “Show More” drop-down list. In addition, you will receive more detailed information on previous shipments and their quantities from the supplier.

That is frankly a significant step forward for Jungle Scout and serves a need many Amazon FBA sellers have. With some of the other new features still to be discussed, this new feature transforms Jungle Scout from a research tool into a one-stop shop for Amazon sellers.

Niche Hunter

The Jungle Scout Niche Hunter Tool is an advanced tool for finding niche Amazon products. It enables you to search for keywords and evaluate lists of competitors. That way, you can easily read and understand the opportunity for a product or keyword.

According to Jungle Scout, Niche Hunter “maximizes speed, efficiency, and execution in a way so simple that, if you optimize the process, you could theoretically get dozens of products to market in a year.”

When I first signed up for Jungle Scout, I subscribed to the standard plan. Since I’ve already used the Chrome extension, I didn’t find the Niche Hunter tool very useful at first. I didn’t find it particularly intuitive, but I haven’t watched any tutorials on using the tool afterward. I like to find out things for myself!

After learning how to use Jungle Scout Niche Hunter, I found it very helpful for quickly doing Amazon product research.

The Chrome extension and other web app features are more intuitive, easy to use, and understandable, while Niche Hunter has a longer learning curve and takes time to know how to use it and what results it will produce.

Niche Hunter looks a lot like the product database tool.

The niche hunter tool has several attributes that can filter. Similar units and sell prices. However, there are attributes like competition, listing quality rating, and opportunity rating. Based on the Jungle Scouts algorithm, which evaluates competitor listings and determines whether or not introducing a particular product is an excellent opportunity.

After searching with some key attributes, you get the following results:

  • The keywords you are looking for
  • The average price of the products for that keyword
  • Category
  • Average units sold
  • Competition
  • Listing of the quality factor
  • Opportunity Score

The results for each keyword can further expand to show the top listing results for the keyword search along with details about each product.

The expanded product results page shows search volume over time and a rating with some tips on the product niche.

Niche Hunter has a lot of helpful information about keywords and products. However, it can be a bit overwhelming at first. There are various training videos on dealing with the niche hunter. So it’s worth looking at first and taking the time to learn how to get the most out of this tool.

Keyword Scout

Keyword Scout was the main feature introduced in Jungle Scout’s previous update, and it’s still one of the software’s most valuable features. See our detailed overview of Keyword Scout here.

With this keyword tool, you can:

  • Discover niche keywords that genuine Amazon buyers are looking for
  • Determine the demand for keywords
  • Get the exact Amazon search volume for keywords
  • Understand the relevance of the keywords to your product
  • Get accurate suggestions on how much to bid for each keyword in Amazon PPC ads
  • Save money on PPC campaigns
  • Get estimates of the number of products to be given away in product promotion so you can sort them by keywords.

Sort your Amazon products faster by target keywords

To use Keyword Scout, you can enter a keyword or an ASIN for an existing Amazon product.

Keyword Scout then returns a summary of the keyword with exact search volume, total search volume, recommended number of freebies, relevance of the keyword to the product, and PPC bid amounts.

Keyword Scout then also returns keyword suggestions and related keywords that Amazon buyers are looking for. It helps you find niche keywords with less competition to help you rate your products faster and generate more sales.

You will get all of the above information for those keywords, too, from search volume to PPC bid amounts.

Keyword Scout is arguably the best Amazon keyword tool available and includes all Jungle Scout web app plans.

Listing Builder

Listing Builder is an excellent addition to the Keyword Tool and one more feature that will meet all of your Amazon FBA seller’s needs.

One aspect of the sale that many newcomers neglect is the text of their listing. With the keyword list function in conjunction with the listing builder, you can create a list for your product that contains all the right keywords and outperforms the competition.

As soon as you click “Next,” a new window will appear. The keywords you selected are on the left, and all of the text fields you need to fill in to create your listing are on the right.

While this basic list format is solid and ranked well, seasoned salespeople may already have a proven design for building lists. Nevertheless, I think this is a great starting point and a unique tool for Amazon FBA sellers.


It will take some time to assess the accuracy. Because what Jungle Scout predicts or projects can only measure in terms of actual sales and precise results. Users agree that after six months, the quotes are very much in line with the estimates and approximations projected by Jungle Scout applications. The differences in sales projections are typically within a few hundred dollars within six months, and sales volumes are generally a few items less.

What makes Jungle Scout Offer?

Jungle scout review tells us about various features include in Jungle Scout. It is a complete store research software that allows its users to find profitable products to sell on Amazon and become successful sellers. Some of the features include:

  • Data about sales rank, price history graph, estimated revenue, and profit margins for each product. This feature gives you all the information you need about any product to decide what items would be good to resell on Amazon.com or create your brand with unique characteristics.
  • Estimated Fees are calculated based on the selling price of the item, weight, and size. JungleScout Review shows fees charged by Amazon FBA every month. It also provides estimates for shipping costs so sellers can decide whether they should make wholesales purchases or order items in smaller batches
  • Estimated Monthly Sales: only JungleScout has this feature which provides sellers with data about how many units of a product sell every month. It will help you plan your orders and save time spent on making these decisions and make the best use of the space you have for storage of inventory.
  • Unit Cost (PC): Selling price minus FBA fees and estimated taxes so that it can calculate how much profit you will get from each sale, what is the % margin on each item.

Jungle Scout Customer Support

In the experience of Jazz and myself, Jungle Scout’s customer service is quick, friendly, and helpful. As first-time sellers and new Jungle Scout users, we both had questions about the tools and general sales questions on Amazon.

Customer Support
Customer Support

The people they emailed showed their responses and confidence in moving to an area I had no experience in. The customer service team is one of the reasons for my success. I did not expect your willingness to help me and lead me to victory. Usually, the customer service teams are short. The JS team would respond with paragraphs of information answering the question and more! If you need any help or an explanation, don’t hesitate to email me.

Jungle Scout Money-Back Guarantee

Jungle Scout has a seven-day money-back guarantee on our standard plans. But, at the same time, they do not offer a trial period.

If you find within 14 days that the product does not fit properly, we will refund you without further questions. Send an email to support@junglescout.com to speak to the team.

Jungle Scout Alternatives

Before you can make a bunch of money on Amazon, you need to do some product research first.

Your best bet is the Jungle Scout website, where they’ll show all sorts of ways for making your products sell and what other sellers are doing with their own items.

There’s also Helium 10, which has tools that will help determine how much demand there is in particular categories and I and identifying strategies. Hence, it makes sure that yours stack up competitively at all times.

Sellics helps manage inventory levels while DataHawk provides analytics insights about customers’ buying habits – perfect if any marketing campaigns or advertising needs adjusting accordingly!

Teikametrics helps track competitors across multiple platforms, so we know when an opportunity arises, but our competition hasn’t


In summary, Jungle Scout played a crucial role in our success at Amazon. I don’t think I would have been successful from day one without JS. So if you plan to start an FBA business or acquire Jungle Scout, don’t hesitate any longer. Like you were selling Jazz a few months ago, I am now successfully selling on Amazon, earning passive income every day.

Jungle Scout is the leading Amazon research tool for eCommerce entrepreneurs. We provide data and tools that help sellers find profitable products, estimate product profitability, and identify potential risks of selling on Amazon. Our software has helped over 100k+ people save time and money by making better decisions with their businesses.

When I started my Amazon sales journey, my goal was to make $100 a day. I quickly found this to be readily available. So please complete the jump and start selling today.

8.5 Total Score
Jungle Scout Review

Jungle Scout is the best Amazon research tool around. With their easy-to-use interface, you can identify profitable products to sell on FBA with just a few clicks of your mouse and no data entry whatsoever! Plus, they have multiple features that are way better than other similar tools out there - like our personal favorite: product alerts (which let you know day after day which items are trending up or down in sales rank)! The only downside? It may be a little expensive... but if it helps grow your business from $1k/month over time into six figures per month within 18 months as one user did, then we say it's worth every penny.

  • It has a price averaging feature that calculates how much you can save on your purchase.
  • Jungle Scout will help sellers to track inventory levels, and that is really helpful when planning for future purchases.
  • You can find out how many units are sold each month with the "Estimated Monthly Sales" data.
  • It enables sellers to estimate Amazon fees by using a loophole called the "Amazon FBA Program".
  • This product offers knowledge about how to become a successful seller on Amazon.com which is useful information for new or experienced people who want to sell items on this website.
  • Jungle Scout is not free software.
  • It could become boring when sellers make too many orders in one month.
  • It requires sellers to know about Amazon fees for each product.
  • Jungle Scout doesn't provide data beyond current monthly sales.
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Shajahan Sajal
Shajahan Sajal

I am Sajal. A Freelancer, a blogger, a Freelance Content Writer, and a geek when it comes to anything related to online marketing. Stay connected to me. Leave a comment if you like my articles.

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