How to Dominate Digital Marketing in 2023: A Complete Checklist

Marketers, this is your complete digital marketing checklist.

From social media to SEO and everything in between, we’ve compiled a list of the most important tasks you need to do for success regularly in today’s digital world. This post will teach you how to create an effective strategy for your brand to help grow your customer base and increase sales!

Digital marketing is the best way to grow your small business. It gives you access and opportunities to reach potential customers in various online channels, making it more manageable!

As a business, you can’t afford to have digital marketing. You need the right tools to get found by customers on social media and search engines like Google! This checklist includes software that will help promote a company online, including SEO techniques. Make sure this list is complete before starting tomorrow morning because it’ll take time if nothing’s prepared yet.”

With so many channels and tasks to remember, it can be tricky trying to create an organized campaign. However, we will ensure that your needs meet with the Digital Marketing Checklist our team has made for you!

What is digital marketing, and how does it work?

Digital marketing uses the Internet and digital channels to communicate your brand, products, or services. It includes search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), content marketing, influencer marketing, etc. Combining tactics in conjunction with one another can give businesses great results!

How Does Digital Marketing Work

Marketing with any business is no easy feat, especially if you’re starting up or trying to grow your company by acquiring new customers. Luckily, you can do these strategies without any money. And it’s not only cheap but also very effective. After finishing this excellent checklist, you need a plan and some creativity, which you will have plenty of after completing this superb checklist.

Even if you already plan to market your company, it’s always good to look at what others are doing to get fresh ideas for your initiatives. In addition, digital marketing is an ever-changing landscape that changes according to consumer demand. So, keep your eyes open to trends and stay on top of things because it’s the only way you will succeed!

Why do I need to use Digital Marketing?

The task of marketing your business is no easy feat. Consumers are way more aware of their choices today than ten years ago, meaning brands must work harder to convince them of their value. In addition, it’s an industry full of competition, with over 3 million new businesses being created in the US each year!

Of course, marketers know this, and many are working to develop new strategies that are more effective than traditional channels.

Digital marketing is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes to help create awareness, grow their customer base, and increase revenue. You can see great results without spending thousands on advertising or paying for some celebrity endorsement! Instead, you have access to intelligent and cost-effective options to promote your business with digital marketing.

With digital marketing, using the Internet and various digital channels becomes a must for any company looking for success! It’s not just something that can help your business – it’s practically necessary to stay relevant to today’s customers. Consumers are always online even when they’re active on other channels like social media, where you need to be.

What are the benefits of digital marketing?

The benefits of digital marketing are endless. It’s a potent tool you have at your disposal if you know how to use it right.

Benefits of Digital Marketing

Here are just some of the benefits you will get from having an online presence:

  • Higher revenue (so long as your strategies and initiatives are more successful than your competitor’s)
  • Better customer retention rates (you can engage with customers more accessible and on a more personal level, which will improve loyalty to the brand)
  • You will see it as a forward-thinking company that cares about its customers and has an eye for trends.
  • It’s easier to measure the impact of your campaigns because you will have so much data available.
  • Digital marketing has a meager cost compared to other channels, making it quite accessible for small businesses. For example, you can run social media or Google Adwords ads for as little as $1 per day!
  • It’s a great way to reach new audiences and expand your reach.
  • You get a more significant ROI from your marketing efforts (you can measure everything you do with digital marketing and see the immediate impact of your actions)
  • It’s cost-effective (you don’t have to spend a fortune on traditional advertising)

There are several advantages to digital marketing, but it isn’t the correct answer for every business or advertising. You should consider all of your alternatives before deciding which sort of advertising would be the best fit for you, and you should learn more about each type to see which one is appropriate for you based on your specific needs and objectives.

Let’s go ahead and take a look at the latest version of the Complete Digital Marketing Checklist.

Website Marketing Checklist

Website Marketing Checklist

Website marketing uses the Web to advertise your product or service, expand your customer base, and increase revenue.

Creating a website for your business can be done quickly nowadays with help from online tools like Wix, Weebly, or Squarespace (to name a few). You can create something very professional within minutes and have a site ready to go live! You can learn how to build a website for free with this guide.

Once your website is up and running, you will want to focus on getting as many people as possible to see it. The more visitors you get, the more conversions you will have.

Structure your website correctly.

You should have a blog or an about page that explains what your business is all about. In addition, you should have social media links that are easily accessible. You also want to make sure there are contact details available for visitors.

Use your website to get information across. Don’t only focus on selling people things – instead, use the Web to educate visitors about your business.

Optimizing and reviewing its structure is one of the first and most essential steps in ensuring that your website design is correct.

An optimized site structure will guarantee that content is organized appropriately for users and search engines, increasing organic traffic and conversions.

Optimize your website for SEO

Having an SEO-optimized website is the first step to success for any digital marketing campaign. It will allow your site to be quickly indexed by search engines (Google, Bing).

As you will read below, search engine optimization is not just about making your site friendlier to search engines. It is also about making the whole user experience better.

Optimize your website for conversions

The next step you will want to take is to ensure that your website optimizes for conversions.

Engagement is key to increasing conversions. A study from Google shows that people are much more likely to purchase goods or services after engaging with your site and seeing an ad while searching for something else on the Internet. Likewise, those who see advertisements for their desired products will be interested in them!

Optimizing for conversions allows users to quickly find what you are offering, make a purchase, or sign up for an email list/newsletter with only one click.

Optimize your website for mobile devices

Mobile internet usage has become incredibly popular in the last few years – it’s time to optimize your website for mobile devices!

Last year, more users connected to the Internet with smartphones than any other device. This number is expected to climb even further in the future.

If you want your website to be successful, make it easy for users using a mobile phone or tablet to navigate your site and buy from you.

Making your site mobile-friendly will also positively affect your SEO, as Google now prefers mobile-compatible sites.

Evaluate your website’s performance

At the end of every month, you will want to check your website’s analytics and see how many people have visited your site.

One thing that is nice about digital marketing campaigns is that you can measure everything from the beginning to the end.

There are different ways to measure the performance of your website. But first, you need to make sure that:

  • First, you’ve got Google Analytics adequately set up and operational.
  • Second, you are aware of the most important KPIs for your website.
  • Google Analytics is a free tool that you can use to monitor your site’s performance. It will provide real-time data on who visited your site, how long they stayed, which websites they came from, and even what pages were looking at when they left.
  • It would be best if you also turned on goal tracking and set up goals for your campaign. This way, you can track which pages convert to sales and custom conversions.
  • You understand how to interpret and analyze Google Analytics reports and data.

SEO Checklist

SEO Checklist

Search Engine Optimization is a continuous process in which you need to make changes once in a while. You must regularly do keyword research and competitive analysis to ensure that your website remains visible in organic search results. But if you are looking for some pointers on how to improve your website’s SEO, then this checklist should help.

SEO is considered a marketing tactic used to promote your website and increase the number of visitors. Once you have an online presence, you need to optimize your site for different keywords relevant to your business or website. You should select the keywords that will generate the most traffic based on their monthly search volume and the cost of bidding on them. In addition, your website will need to constantly monitor to make changes if there are any fluctuations in search results or if your competition comes up with new content and keywords.

Learn More About SEO.

Get started with SEO fundamentals.

SEO is making your website friendly for search engines so that they can understand and index content.

You can improve your site’s visibility in Google and receive more traffic from search engines by utilizing SEO.

The three primary pillars of SEO are Technical SEO, On-Page SEO, and Off-Page SEO. To achieve the best results, you should ensure your website is optimized for all three.

Optimize your website for Technical SEO

Technical SEO is the first step towards search engine optimization, and it involves optimizing your website based on HTML tags.

It will ensure that crawlers can easily crawl and index your pages. You should also use descriptive titles and meta descriptions for each web page to increase their CTR (Click-Through-Rate).

Optimize your website for On-Page SEO

On-page SEO is optimizing your web pages, images, and other media files to rank higher in SERP.

Google considers over 200 ranking factors when determining search results. Therefore, it can be hard to increase your rankings with many variables involved without knowing the most critical factors.

You should start by creating unique and quality content for each web page. It will ensure that you provide the best experience to your users, which is known to be a factor in Google’s ranking algorithm.

You should also ensure your website follows Google Webmaster guidelines to rank higher in search results.

Optimize your website for Off-Page SEO

After optimizing your site, you must focus on the third pillar of search engine optimization – off-page SEO.

Off-page SEO is a process of improving and gaining authority in organic search rankings by building quality backlinks to your website. The number of backlinks is vital in determining your website’s search rankings. Improving backlinks means improving your site’s trust and authority. You will need a consistent link-building campaign and should do this over a long period.

Search Engine Optimization is an ongoing process.

Optimizing your website for search engines is a continuous process requiring regular checkups. In addition, you will need to carry out keyword research and competitive analysis regularly to stay up-to-date with your competition.

If you follow the SEO checklist mentioned below, you will rank well in search results.

Use a Professional SEO Tool to manage your website.

You will need an affordable and user-friendly tool if you own a small business. In addition, it should enable you to see an overview of all activities on your site in a single place.

You can also set up alerts for search engine rankings, broken links, and ranking keyword changes. If you are looking for an experienced search engine optimization team, you should hire the best SEO Company.

Perform an SEO Audit

An SEO audit will help you identify the strengths and weaknesses of your website and areas that need improvement.

It is a complete SEO checkup involving free tools to see how optimized your website is for search engines. You can use these tools to conduct an on-page and off-page SEO analysis.

An SEO audit involves checking your website for:

  • Technical mistakes and issues (such as broken links)
  • Best practices (using keyword research, competitor analysis, etc.) It is essential to stay updated with the latest search engine ranking factors and best practices.
  • Analysis of content and backlinks (checking whether you are following Google Webmaster guidelines)
  • Identifying ranking keywords and new SEO opportunities (through competitor research)

On the other hand, a manual audit is more successful since a seasoned SEO professional can provide advice based on real-world expertise and best SEO practices that no tool may match.

Paid Advertising Checklist

Paid advertising is a quick and easy way to make sales. It’s the recommended channel for startups who need results fast and those with limited resources but still want their brand out there! Optimized paid ads can generate revenue until SEO efforts start contributing to growth in other forms of digital marketing, like social media or email campaigns.

Best paid advertising channels.

Paid advertising is a crucial aspect of digital marketing. There are many different platforms to advertise your product to the people you want to reach out to, so test them all.

  • Google Adwords (Search & Display) – The more your keywords fit the search query, the better your CTR. Use ad extensions to get the most out of every click you receive.
  • Facebook Ads (Newsfeed) – To get started with paid Facebook ads, ensure your business page is complete and has very dynamic content. You can create custom ad audiences or use lookalike audiences based on demographics, likes, etc.
  • Pinterest Ads – This ad network is about lifestyle content, so you must understand how Pinterest users think and behave.
  • Instagram Ads – Reach a highly targeted audience with this social media platform’s paid advertisements program that’s been around for a while now.
  • Twitter Ads – The best way to grab a user’s attention is by creating a video ad and tweeting it at the right time.
  • LinkedIn Ads (Sponsored InMail) – For quality leads, spend on LinkedIn ads that can reach your target market through their members-only platform.
  • YouTube Ads (TrueView) – With more than a billion users, this is the place to be regarding video ads.

Some channels may be considerably more effective than others. Therefore the only way to find out is to test them.

Machine learning and artificial intelligence can do the work for you.

Today’s top advertising platforms employ machine learning and AI to display the most appropriate advertisements to people most likely to convert.

When you use the right tools like Moz Pro, Ahrefs, and SEMrush (to name a few), you can automate it.

You must do Google Adwords if you want to see results. If your budget allows it, it is the most effective paid advertising platform you should go for.

The best way to start this is by knowing your target audience and creating effective ads that fit into them.

Using extensions like site links, location, callouts, etc., will help you get the most out of every click. Also, ensure your ad text is short and engaging while using a value proposition to make the visitor curious enough to click on it for more information.

Run A/B tests on your PPC ads to optimize them.

Google Adwords has an ad testing feature that lets you know which ads perform the best.

You can also use Google Analytics to find where people are dropping off (i.e., not clicking on) in your sales funnel, and make the necessary changes to avoid conversion loss.

The most important thing to do here is to keep testing and optimizing your PPC ads.

The competition in paid advertising is fierce, so you must keep running tests and trying new strategies.

Content Marketing Checklist

Content Marketing Checklist

You can’t have a successful marketing campaign without high-quality content. Content marketing is a way to create and share information that will be interesting for your audience. It can also be entertaining or informative. This type of writing has proven the most effective way to reach more people than any other method.

Creating quality web pages helps rank them higher up search engine results page (SERP) rankings when users do searches explicitly related to their product or service offerings. If you keep making content, the search engines know that when someone searches for a keyword about your product, they can find it. It is also referred to as “SEO,” which stands for “Search Engine Optimization.”

This checklist will provide you with a detailed list of the following:

But first, understand content marketing and how it can help you.

However, before creating any content, you must understand what “content marketing” is and how this can help your business or organization.

Understood as the digital equivalent of word-of-mouth advertising because when people share interesting, informative and entertaining information in their circle of friends and family – you should be looking to create content that gets them talking. The more people begin to talk about what you have to offer. The larger your audience becomes, this should be one of the primary goals you have in mind before starting any campaign for writing down content.

Once done with this step, all that lies ahead is doing precisely that – creating great content. Then, when you start, publish, and distribute this content regularly (preferably weekly), you will begin to “feed” your audience with an endless supply of information you can all talk about!

How often and when should content be published?

Schedule at least two blog posts per week to maintain your authority. You can schedule these in advance on social media or use services like Buffer or Hootsuite.

You should also dedicate time weekly to creating content (infographics, videos, etc.) with the help of freelance writers and videographers. That reduces work in the future.

What types of content should be shared?

Every post you share on social media should be relevant to your brand’s blog or website. To find new audiences, you can also use popular hashtags like #MondayBlogs, #ThrowbackThursday, and #FridayReads.

Can it stand alone?

Before sharing anything on social media, ensure that it is valuable for readers, even if they aren’t familiar with your website or blog. Make it as easy as possible for your followers to enjoy your update without finding out more about you.

How is this link/post different from others like it? Does this post stand out in some way?

Use engaging and descriptive headlines. Adding hints about what’s inside your post or link can be an excellent way to tease readers into clicking.

How is the information in this helpful update?

Share your content with people so they can learn or be helped. You can do this by teaching them something, giving advice, or entertaining them.

What is the content format?

Visual posts tend to do best on social media, so consider ways to incorporate images, videos, or other fun multimedia elements into your content.

Identify what content your target audience needs.

The first step to creating successful content is identifying what your audience needs. Posting stuff for its sake won’t help you increase your brand’s visibility, so do market research and pinpoint what your audience will benefit from the most.

According to Hubspot, 77% of visitors leave a website if a relevant answer is not found in seconds. Finding what content your audience will benefit from makes it easier to determine how frequently you post, what tone your posts should have, and where.

A practical way to do this is simply sending out an email survey to the members of your target demographic. This way, you can find out what they’re struggling with, how much money they’re making, and what lifestyle they want to live.

Once you find answers to these questions, take the time to learn more about your target audience, this way, you’ll understand their motivations better. You should also research your competitors’ marketing strategies and learn from them. On a side note, you should also find out how to expand your target market.

Tip: You can ask for feedback on your business/product/service via a post on social media or an email newsletter, especially if you’re trying to improve something.

Where to share the content, i.e., on what channels?

You can share your content on as many channels as you feel comfortable with. However, to avoid spreading yourself too thin, I recommend selecting a minimum of 2-3 tracks and sticking with those for the first few months.

  1. On your website (if you have one)
  2. Social media channels include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.
  3. In an email newsletter sent to your audience
  4. In paid search campaigns via Google AdWords or Bing Ads
  5. In-display advertising campaigns on popular ad networks such as Google Display Network and Facebook Ads
  6. In content syndication networks, e.g., Outbrain or Taboola
  7. On your blog (if you have one)
  8. On news sites that also have a social media presence, e.g., Huffington Post or The Guardian
  9. In PR campaigns, find bloggers to write about your content.
  10. Guest posting on other websites is an excellent way to get your name out there. For example, you can post on LinkedIn Pulse or Medium.
  11. Forums and Q&A sites can be a great way to get exposure for your business. Try posting on Quora, Reddit, Yahoo! Answers, StackExchange, and GrowthHackers.
  12. Social bookmarking is when you use Reddit, StumbleUpon, and Digg to save websites or articles you like.

Create a realistic content marketing plan

Plan out topics and themes for content, how often you will post, where to post it, and what company news to publish. In short, a realistic marketing plan using your marketing calendar as a guide. Don’t take everything at once, or you will burn yourself up!

Create SEO-friendly Content

Your website content should be SEO-friendly. If your content isn’t easy to crawl, it won’t be easy to rank. So make sure you are using the right keywords in your title tags and meta descriptions. You also want to ensure that you are not duplicating content across different site pages. Google has recently cracked down on this issue.

Return to your previous content and update them

You can never be too careful with your online marketing. You have to publish new content targeting various topics and keywords. But it would be best if you also went back through the most critical information, so readers know their needs will always remain current.

Email Marketing and Lead Generation Checklist

Email Marketing Checklist

Email marketing is excellent for reaching out and connecting with potential customers. Creating communities around your brand will have followers who are more likely than ever interested in checking out what’s happening!

To keep those loyal fans close by so they don’t leave for another competitor or source of information online – marketers need tools like email campaigns that can help them acquire new users at five times the price and retain existing ones at 25%.

Email marketing can use to increase customer retention by 30%. It also generates 1,000 targeted leads per day. That makes it an excellent way to drive sales and create a high-converting sales funnel.

What is email marketing?

Email marketing is a set of tactics designed to help marketers promote their businesses indirectly by communicating directly with their clients via email.

It works in many ways, but generally speaking, when you purchase advertising space or time on another site (such as Google), these spaces are purchased on an auction basis.

If you are the second-highest bidder, your ad may not be displayed!

Email marketing is a way to re-engage customers who have previously been interested in your product or service. You can foster a long-term relationship with your clients by sending them regular updates via email about new products and services, special offers, and promotions.

Why is email marketing effective?

Studies have shown that people who send promotional material via email are 70% more likely to buy than the average Web site visitor. Likewise, when you offer special deals to people who trust your brand, they are more likely to buy from you.

It is a direct method of communication with your customers – which means you can use it to cater precisely to the needs of your audience, sending them relevant materials in real time when you know they’ll be most interested.

Create an email marketing strategy

One of the best ways to ensure your email marketing campaign is successful is to create a strategy. First, map out what you want to achieve with your emails and how you plan on doing it – then stick to the plan.

Planning an effective email marketing campaign involves creating goals, determining strategies that meet those goals, and then developing a suitable email template.

To help you, we’ve put together the following email marketing template to inspire your strategy.

Start by writing down your ultimate goal – is it more conversions? Engagement? Or maybe you want people to sign up for your newsletter or download an e-book about something related to your business?

Once you know your long-term goal, break it into smaller, achievable goals. These could be anything from boosting sales over the next month to generating 200 leads in three months.

Create a strategy for each goal – what are you going to do? How often will you communicate with your subscribers? Where will they come from?

Your ultimate goal was to improve conversions – your strategy would then need to include answering these questions.

Break each goal down into even smaller goals if you have to. For example, if your ultimate goal was to sell 10% more of product X, what do you need to achieve first? Perhaps you want to increase traffic or improve page speed. Set yourself micro-goals until you’ve reached your target.

And don’t worry about how big or small your goals are – you need to set them out in order of importance, not size.

You should also include timeframes for each goal; this will keep you on track and ensure that you meet deadlines. Before you know it, your business will enjoy the benefits of an effective email marketing strategy.

Optimize your emails

Every email you send out requires some form of email marketing. We’re talking about:

  • Subject lines are often the first thing people see when they check their inboxes. So make sure yours is straightforward and, more importantly, enjoyable.
  • You’re from name should reflect who you are as a business. In addition, it helps to reinforce your brand in the subscriber’s mind.
  • Body text – ensure that this matches the subject line; if not, you’ll end up with an email that fails to deliver the message you were trying to convey.
  • Images – if your email contains pictures, check they optimize for the Web. Also, don’t just use any old image – make sure it can be seen on various devices and is no more than 1MB in size.
  • Don’t forget links – you don’t just want people to read your email, do you? So make sure that all of your links are working and redirecting correctly.
  • Keep it short – nobody has the time or patience for long emails nowadays. So keep yours as straightforward as possible.

Email marketing tool

Use the right tool based on your requirement.

According to the earlier data, email marketing has the highest return on investment of any marketing approach. However, to make it work, you need the right tool.

Marketing automation

According to our marketing automation poll, the most significant advantage of automation is targeting emails more precisely. It is a crucial advantage of marketing automation, as it allows marketers to ensure that they are talking to relevant audiences while cutting down on irrelevant emails.

Many marketers have another significant advantage in automating basic tasks, streamlining workflows, and saving time.

However, the third most popular answer saw marketing automation as a significant opportunity to increase customer engagement. As a result, this option will grow as more brands use the technology in the coming years.

CRM tool

With a CRM tool, you can systematically manage your contacts. In addition, with a CRM system, customers may be better separated and segmented. It ensures that individual and unique customers give the appropriate treatment.

CRM tools also ensure that you can locate your most valuable contacts, making it easier to get in touch.

Social Media Marketing Checklist

Social Media Marketing Checklist

Social media is a great way to market your business, but if you don’t have the right content for it, then people will leave.

Businesses make a common mistake on social pages: empty Facebook pages with no information or posts; this can do more harm than good when promoting yourself and what products/services the company may offer.

Creating engaging blog post headlines seems easy, but catching up with catchy phrases takes creativity!

Increase your social media followers

There are several ways you can increase your followers on social media. First, you have to work at it constantly, but the results will see if done correctly.

Using hashtags is a great way to get yourself seen and noticed on Twitter and Instagram. Use this to your advantage if your business is related to a trending topic or news story.

Sharing other people’s posts can lead to them sharing yours, which will get you more views and new followers on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. So take a look at what has been shared by others. If it is relevant to your business or a popular post, you could comment with a ‘like’ or ‘share’ to increase your social media presence. Even better, share posts from relevant pages or groups.

The most successful posts on social media are a mixture of a good image and a powerful headline. Take the time to create something easily shared and seen as attractive by others. You have to stand out from the rest and develop something original.

Update your social media pages regularly.

It doesn’t mean that you have to write a post every day, but your audience must see you as someone who has something interesting to say.

Include links in your blog posts. Please don’t include them in your social media posts but throughout your website and blog pages. It will help your backlinking and enable people to find you more easily.

Make a social media marketing plan and strategy.

You need to know your target audience and how you plan to engage with them.

Be present on social media simultaneously each day (e.g., 2 pm) so that people can see when you are active, but vary times depending on what content you are sharing or campaigns are being run.

Small businesses with few resources may have difficulty keeping up with the latest developments on their social media sites while also doing other digital marketing activities.

The most accessible approach to managing this is developing a realistic social media marketing strategy.

Your strategy should include the following elements:

  • Your social media marketing goals
  • Your audience personas have been analyzed.
  • Adding events to your calendar
  • Metrics to consider while evaluating the effectiveness of your campaigns
  • Activity Schedule for the week.

Video Marketing Checklist

Video Marketing Checklist

The number of businesses using video as a marketing tool has increased from 61% to 85%. Make sure you have these tools for your business’s advantage:

If you want to make videos, you need a camera. The camera should have good quality and lighting. You also need software like Final Cut Pro or Adobe Premiere CC (or both). You will also need an external hard drive that can store the video. Make sure it has plenty of room when the hard drive fills up on your desktop storage space!

Need a Camera

Having a decent camera in your arsenal is vital for capturing client cases, YouTube videos, or other material.

For many people, the camera on their phone is good enough.

If you want to do serious work with your content, consider a camera that records in 4K. As video adoption increases in the B2B space, there will be more appetite for better-quality footage in online videos. It will open up the door for more polished productions. So if you are serious about creating high-quality videos, 4K will be necessary over the next year.

Need some software to work with

Adobe Premiere is a great product that can do anything, especially if paired with After Effects. Etosha and Adobe Premiere Pro CC – $19.99/month

The hardware depends on the kind of work you do and the quality you want to produce

Consider a smartphone or GoPro to produce quick videos if you’re starting. Be sure your video marketing has a straightforward workflow between devices, directly over a WiFi connection or a cloud-based app like the free Google Photos. A stable relationship is crucial, especially if you want to do work in real time. Dropbox and Adobe Creative Cloud are both great options for file transfers.

Need an External hard drive (to be safe)

The best thing about uploading videos to YouTube is that you’ll be able to have the highest quality videos available.

An external hard drive is an effective way to store your files, though there are cloud storage options. However, depending on where you’re uploading the video, it may only allow for a few hours or days before it stops being accessible. An external hard drive is best if you’re uploading from a personal computer to YouTube. Opt for cloud storage if you’re uploading from somewhere, like the office.

High-quality (4K) videos take up quite a bit of space. So make sure your drive has plenty of space before starting any video project.

Need some microphones

A built-in computer mic can record decent audio. However, you will want a dedicated device for high-quality audio capture. The Rode smartLav+ is a good option for capturing crisp, clean sound from the film subject. You could also use an external mic that plugs directly into the camera.

A good microphone captures and records high-quality sound, especially if you’re doing much voiceover work for your video marketing effort. The Rode smartLav+ is an excellent option for mobile devices, but other mics can also be used depending on your desired quality.

Need a decent video editor.

You can use something as basic as iMovie to make your videos. But it will not have as many features as Premiere Pro. Other free editors like Shotcut and Da Vinci Resolve are suitable for importing and editing GoPro footage.

Need some good music for your videos

Several websites offer royalty-free video and audio. Just follow the terms because it will cost you if you don’t!

Many great places to find free music for your videos include YouTube Audio Library (be careful – it doesn’t allow for commercial use),, and

Great places to find royalty-free music include,, and

Analytics Checklist

Digital Marketing Checklist: Analytics

For a company to be successful, it must understand its marketing performance. It is crucial because the amount of big data has been increasing lately, and it will continue growing exponentially in the coming years if we do nothing about it now!

Here are Google’s marketing analytics tools for you to use:

  • Google Analytics — Google Analytics is the most widely used web analytics service.
  • Google Data Studio — Your easy-to-digest Google Analytics reports can now be delivered using data visualization in Google Data Studio.
  • Search Console (formerly Webmasters) — Google’s marketing analytics platform specifically for search engine optimization. It gives you the data on how well your website does in search results, what search phrases bring traffic to your website, which pages users view immediately after searching Google for specific keywords, and more.
  • Google Trends — Trends in Google Trends allow you to examine search-term data and visualizations.
  • Think with Google — Think about how you might utilize Google to comprehend better how people use the Internet worldwide.


Digital marketing is the best way to grow your small business. It gives you access and opportunities to reach potential customers in various online channels, making it more manageable!

A complete digital marketing checklist for your business is a great way to ensure you’re not missing any crucial steps. We’ve compiled a list of everything from social media posts, search engine optimization (SEO), and blogging to content management systems, email campaigns, and analytics so you can focus on what’s most important – building your customer base! If this sounds like something that will help your business grow online, then let us know how we can get started with one of our experts today.

Shajahan Sajal
Shajahan Sajal

I am Sajal. A Freelancer, a blogger, a Freelance Content Writer, and a geek when it comes to anything related to online marketing. Stay connected to me. Leave a comment if you like my articles.

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      Digital Product Review, How-Tos, Tech News, Digital Services
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