Aweber Review(2023): Is AWeber Better Than Other?

It has been around for more than 20 years, so it’s no surprise that they offer the best possible tools to help you launch your business. It provides many different services, but we will only be focusing on their email marketing solutions in this post. So first, we will break down the pros and cons to help you decide if AWeber is suitable for your company or not!.

It helps our customers stay in touch with their subscribers regardless of industry or company size while maintaining best practices that protect them from spam complaints and deliverability issues. As a result, It has helped over 100,000 small businesses grow their customer base!

Read on to delve deeper into the pros and cons of the Aweber test – a chat about pricing, features, templates, user interface, and more. Then, you have a much clearer concept: It is the right email marketing tool for your company and the best options.

What is Aweber?

Aweber Review
Home Page

AWeber is an email marketing help provider serving over 100,000 small business customers worldwide. It helps our customers stay in touch with their subscribers regardless of industry or company size while maintaining email marketing best practices.

Aweber is not just another email service provider. Instead, it’s a powerful tool that offers you the ability to quickly automate your marketing efforts, create automated campaigns and their content in minutes from scratch right on AWeber’s interface!

Perhaps you’re already an Aweber customer, or maybe you’re thinking of transforming yourself into one. We’d love to learn from your ideas and inquiries about the product! I don’t know if you’ve seen this, but there is a comments section below to share our thoughts and give feedback on the post. I think it would be interesting if some people from social media joined in as well!.

Aweber Pricing and Plan

The business of email marketing can be complicated when deciding which service to use for your campaign. But, with so many choices on the market today, there’s stands out from all others – it has experienced a meteoric rise in popularity because it offers you everything you need at an affordable price.

Aweber’Aweber’sg plan is simple: Pro or Free.

For the Pro plans, Aweber prices are as follows:
  • Hosting and emailing a list price of up to 500 customers:$19 per month
  • 501 to 2,500 customers: $29 per month
  • 2,501 to 5,000 customers: $49 per month
  • 5,001 to 10,000 customers: $69 per month
  • 10,001 to 25,000 customers: $149 per month
Aweber Pricing Review
Pricing and Plan

If you have 25,000+ customers on your mailing list, you surely need to call Aweber Pricing to get a quote. Additionally, a completely free Aweber pricing plan is available. 

That allows you to manage many of the pricing features on Aweber reviews as long as your mailing list is less than 500 customers (from now on: You need to sign up for the Aweber Pricing Paid Plan). Here you can access the accessible version of Aweber prices.

If paid quarterly, a discount rate of 14% is available. A discount rate of 14.9% is available annually. There are also some price cuts for apprentices and nonprofits.

One facet of Aweber’Aweber’sg Structure that potential individuals can benefit from is that its features are available on all paid plans. Unlike some completed items, you don’t earn much more Aweber Prize to open a particular part. (Even the free program allows you to access many of them). The price differences are related to the size of the mailing list.

That means that when someone unsubscribes from your list, you will manage their information in your Aweber verification account. You can avoid these costs by regularly deleting unsubscribed calls from your account. First, however, you need to take this into account. Aweber Review isn’t an email marketing provider that does something similar (Mailchimp uses identical fees).

How does Aweber’s pricing contrast to that of its competitors?

  • Dramatically cheaper than Campaign Monitor
  • Much cheaper than iContact
  • Roughly the same price as Mailchimp
  • Sometimes much more expensive than Getresponse
  • Much more costly than Mad Mimi (note that Mad Mimi’s feature collection is much more standard, nonetheless).

In some cases, we contrast apples with oranges. Even so, all of these finishing elements have different characteristics set out in each plan. And subscriber limits sometimes result in Aweber receiving fewer awards. Sometimes a lot more expensive. Aweber’s unsubscribed calls as billable (see above) also slightly deform the picture.

I would say for sure that the Aweber rating is roughly at the center of the email marketing tool suite. So check out some Aweber review features.

Overview of Aweber Features

AWeber is an email marketing company with over 100,000 local business customers worldwide. We help people talk to the subscribers who want to be on their mailing list.

Its Review gives you the option to stick to private features:

  • The ability to import and host a mailing list
  • An extensive selection of templates
  • Autoresponder
  • Marketing automation ability
  • Receptive email layouts
  • Reporting
  • Split test
  • RSS / blog site-to-email function
  • List segmentation options
  • A landing page builder
  • Telephone, email, and live chat support
  • Integrations with third-party apps

Hosting your list/ importing data right into Aweber

Importing an existing email data source directly into Aweber Review is low and has relatively straightforward top features. You can upload the attached file types:

  • Alternatively, you can include private clients manually or duplicate client lines and insert them directly into the tool.
  • You get the alternative of adding your customers to a specific collection of autoresponders and identifying them.
  • Not all final elements allow the extension of imported data directly in autoresponder cycles. So this is a great feature.

Undoubtedly, you have to answer some questions about how exactly you collected the data you are importing for anti-spam factors. In short, Aweber’s feature is excellent – there are no problems here.


Aweber Review offers one of the most extensive HTML e-newsletter templates, unlike its competitors: 700+. For example, about 220 templates are available for Getresponse, about 80 for Mailchimp. And about 50 so that Campaign Monitor offers a small context.

To put it simply, I wouldn’t want all of the layouts. Some of them look a little dated. But, on the other hand, Mailchimp, Campaign Monitor, and the brand new Getresponse templates look a bit more modern.

However, the large number of templates available implies this with a bit of tweaking. You should be able to find a suitable one for your e-newsletter. Of development, there is always the alternative of coding your template.

Responsive email layouts

Aweber email templates are all “respon” I’ve.” That “means that they will instantly adjust their size to match the device they are observing. In this day and age of intelligent devices and tablet computers, this is an important feature.

You can also take a brief look at the mobile version of your email in Aweber. (Still, it’s the concept to send some test emails and examine them on a cell phone or tablet computer.)

Using web fonts in Aweber templates

Unlike many other final email marketing options, It allows you to use web fonts.

That is a benefit as web fonts are typically much more appealing than the “safe ” criterion (Times New Roman, Arial, etc.) that email marketing apps are generally limited. Moreover, used sensibly, they can significantly improve the look of an email.

Also, depending on the fonts you use on your website, they can help you improve the consistency of your brand names between your website and e-newsletters. Aweber currently allows you to use the fonts specified in your emails:

  • Arvo
  • Lato
  • Lora
  • Merriweather
  • Merriweather sans
  • Noticia text
  • Open Sans
  • Playfair ad
  • Roboto
  • Source Sans Pro
  • Permanent marker

It’s that’s up for Aweber, with additional brownie factors allowing for adding web fonts.

RSS to email templates

Like similar e-marketing articles, Aweber can turn your website into e-newsletters on a schedule you set. Although it calls “blog” broadcasts,” you can use this feature on virtually any type of content with an RSS feed.

This feature is convenient for blog owners who want customers to receive e-newsletters instantly in their newsletter, including their most recent blog posts (or, no doubt, a monthly absorption of the article). Insignificant means that you can send your e-newsletters from your website – this can be a significant time-saver.

Note that you cannot use the Aweber template layouts criterion for RSS-to-E-mail destinations. Even so, you have to choose from a collection of templates specially created for this function. (To be reasonable, Aweber is not alone in this).

On the different side, there are plenty of these RSS templates to choose from – more critical than most of the other e-marketing options I’ve I’ve

Most of them don’t look particularly good (they have a 1990s web design touch!). To make matters worse, you can’t Aweber email drag-and-drop UI to change it. So instead, you’ll use another editor (one that is not that easy to use).

With a bit of tweaking, you most likely have an opportunity to find something that works fine. However, I assume that there is undoubtedly room for renovation work here.


Autoresponders are a collection of follow-up emails that by either time or customer activity.

  • For example, you can create a program of autoresponders to ensure this. 
  • When someone subscribes to your mailing list, they will immediately receive a welcome message from your company.

A week later, they will receive a price reduction code for a product Three weeks later. In addition, they get support to follow you on social media websites. Since they can help you save time and make money, they are usually a crucial part of any e-marketing solution.

Aweber has been around for over 20 years, and their autoresponder is just okay.
It’s not powerful or mind-blowing like some people might imagine it to be. But don’t they still provide excellent customer service!

On the plus side, setting up follow-up emails in Aweber is straightforward based on the time and sending customers an onboarding email immediately after signing up. A discount code two days later and an email “Follow” us on social media” a wee” later is straightforward. That’s the use of autoresponders – and it’s with Aweber.

On the downside, the options available to enable autoresponders based on customer activity and acquisitions are much less extensive than you would indeed find with item completion.

With Aweber, you can create “goals” or “corporate automation policies with tags to make autoresponders act in relatively innovative ways. First, however, let’s intend to use autoresponders in actually advanced means. 

In that case, you will most likely need to review various other elements, especially Getresponse, which has much richer marketing automation capabilities. And talk about marketing automation.

Marketing automation

Marketing automation is an Aweber review feature that is significantly provided by email marketing options like Aweber.

I tend to think of it as “Autore” ponder 2.0” – whe”e you beat standard drip campaigns and create intricate customer journeys with “IFTT” “esig” operations (if this, then that).

With marketing automation, you generally design a flowchart that sends emails based on customer activity: email opens, link clicks, a website view acquisitions made, etc. Aweber recently announced a brand new marketing automation feature that, in a way, does that feature: Aweber Campaigns.

This feature allows you to use certain customer activities.

They are explicitly opening and clicking – along with the application of tags (which can be activated when a customer checks out a particular page on your website) to determine what, for whom, and when (see above).

However, I assume that this feature requires many additional tools – tools like Getresponse and Mailchimp offer a lot more versatility regarding what types of customer practices mailouts can enable.

In Getresponse, for example, you can use causes such as tracking, detail page display, attendee score, and sales pipe phase to send messages. Mailchimp works on a similar method.

So Aweber is undoubtedly playing catch-up with his competitors here.

Spotlight on Aweber’s free plan

Perhaps in a proposal to take over Mailchimp, Aweber is currently offering a completely free plan. That is quite unusual in the email marketing world. Most comparable items provide a free trial but no uncertain availability for the product.

Aweber’Aweber’slan ensures that it is much less charitable and much more charitable than the Mailchimp plan.

It’s more nonprofit, excluding multiple features (notably split tests and rejected cart emails). On the other hand, you get access to the bulk of Aweber’Aweber’seatures. MailchiMailchimp’slan limits functionality to a few core functions. For example, you cannot use any automation in any way.

Aweber is a lot less nonprofit as the free plan only works if your list is 500 calls or a lot less. In comparison, MailchiMailchimp’slan lets you work with a list of up to 2,000 customers.

Both showcase advertisements for their brand names in e-newsletters sent out with their free plans. It’s stIt’srelatively nifty. You can try the free Aweber program here.

AMP for an email in Aweber

Aweber’Aweber’son across most other email marketing systems, includes a brand innovation called AMP for email.

Traditionally, e-newsletters have been solid events – a straightforward mix of text and images that AMP provides for email customization by allowing recipients to take in primary activities (like a visit or RSVP on occasion) right away an email – that is, without leaving your email program or viewing a website.

It also enables the senders of an email to directly insert dynamic content – for example, live study results, climate updates, football ratings, etc.

Check out the video clip from Google below for an introduction to the world of AMP via email.

Opt-in procedures

A great thing about Aweber is its versatility. Here’s how you want to manage the login process.

You can choose whether you want to register your people either individually or twice (register individually) if a customer has registered immediately after filling out a form. The second opt-in is when they need to click on a link in a confirmation email to complete their registration.

Both strategies have their values, so it’s grits to see that Aweber is versatile here – not all deal options give their clients this option.

Split testing

Split tests (also known as A / B tests) involve:

  • Sending versions of your e-newsletters to some of your mailing lists.
  • Monitoring the effectiveness of each one.
  • Sending the best variant to the rest of your list.

Most e-marketing tools manage this for you right away: you create different variations of your email (either with other content or subject lines), send it to an example of your data, and your e-marketing solution will no doubt turn out to be the best execution runs immediately to the rest of your mailing list.

With Aweber, you can send up to 3 versions of your e-newsletter during the split test. That is in proper contrast to various other email marketing tools: Mad Mimi in no way helps with the split test. There are two versions of Campaign Monitor that you can use—Mailchimp, like Aweber, 3.


AWeber’AWeber’sing helps you identify areas of improvement with your email marketing so that you can see what’s and what needs to be improved. Our reports are comprehensive yet easy-to-use and understand.

Aweber’Aweber’sanalytics are excellent for monitoring essential statistics such as open rates, click rates, and bounce-backs. These features can also provide helpful analysis of your audience to understand them better.

With Aweber, the win here is that you get a great introduction to the efficiency of your email campaigns, and you have enough data to make audio decisions about exactly how to structure future campaigns.

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Segmenting data in Aweber

Segmenting data in Aweber is relatively straightforward. You can create sectors based not only on the materials in the area in your data source but also on customer tasks, opened emails, checked out web pages, clicked links, received items, and so on. It’s alIt’srsatile and easy to use.

However, it is challenging to practice exactly how to get to the display in creating the sectors. Generally, you need to go to a subscriber management section, search for some customers, and keep the search section.

To be reasonable, some options (such as Getresponse) use a strategy similar to creating sectors. However, others (Campaign Monitor and Mailchimp) have an undeniable area for “segment.”

Unfortunately, with Aweber, you cannot program emails in several sectors at the same time.

That “ill no doubt cause problems for some people who often require selecting and mixing sectors in mailouts.

For example, state that you are a car dealership with a mailing list that consists of a section called “Car Mo” el.” You h”ve used this section to divide your mailing list directly into VW Polos, Golfs, Passats, Tiguans, and Touregs owners.

You currently have an offer that is particularly suitable for Polo, Golf, and Passat owners, and you intend to send a message to these three sectors at once.

You would indeed have the simple option of picking the appropriate sectors and sending the message to these three teams in a suitable globe. However, this is not possible with Aweber. So you would indeed have to either send three private messages or create a new sector for “Polo O” Golf OR Passat.”

You w”ll have similar problems if you want to remove specific sectors from the program. Hence, it is inevitable that the segmentation function in Aweber will point down a bit.

On the plus side, Aweber currently lets you send email to multiple entries – something banned by secret competitor Mailchimp.

Ultimately, various other email marketing tools, particularly Getresponse and Campaign Monitor, manage segmentation better.

Tracking Campaigns

You can track success with the reporting tool once you’ve your shipment. You can see it open and click on the price and number of replies and unsubscriptions for each campaign. There is no Google Analytics integration.

However, there is a valuable step-by-step overview of using Google Analytics with AWeber on a Do It Yourself (Do It Yourself) basis.

AWeber has one of the most extensive collections of reports I’ve seen on any email marketing tool.

Reports available include lists that open promptly, list clicks, new customers, subscriber growth, ad tracking, subscriber location, follow-up data, and more.

Creating a Campaign

AWeber deals with emails a little differently from other services. There are various procedures for creating a follow-up series, the auto-responders stated over, broadcast messages, and blog broadcasts.

Follow-up emails instantly every time a brand-new individual adds, and broadcast messages are single messages, such as newsletters. For example, blog site Broadcast gets hold of articles from a blog and compiles them right into an e-newsletter form.

You can also create your mail templates using the Email Template Manager to customize existing templates or create your own using AWeber’s API.

I decided to create a broadcast message. AWeber opened a message builder where I could drag in aspects and change the text.

I had become so used to collaborating with email templates that this new builder template threw me a loophole for a bit. However, it was still effortless to create and test my messages.

Creating a Subscriber List

With AWeber, you can manually make ten calls – subscribers – via a form. Each document contains the person’s email address, ad-tracking value, and the name of the first email message that person receives.

That can become a tedious and tedious exercise for a long list of names. The import tool is a better option because it has a text box to collapse and insert an entire comma-separated email address list. You can also upload a table (XLS and XLSX), a text file (CSV, TSV, and TXT).

Unlike Campaigner, MailChimp, and GetResponse (from 3 p.m. per month on GetResponse), AWeber doesn’t with Gmail or third-party providers for drawing calls, which is frustrating. However, you can still export the Gmail calls to a CSV file and use the import tool.

It would be best if you told AWeber where your customers came from – whether they joined a form, bought a product and decided to receive an email, or made a verbal agreement. AWeber also wants to know if the list is from another mail marketing company.

The goal is to make sure you don’t email or buy checklists. Instead, AWeber automatically creates a confirmation message that you can contact to validate the subscription. 

Like GetResponse, AWeber does not activate non-reusable domains such as Mailinator addresses.

I want this to have a connection. I posted a file made up of regular lessons and Mailinator lessons and waited for the import file to be checked and verified by Aweber. We never received an error message informing me that the addresses reject, which makes me believe the website is moving slowly.

There was absolutely nothing in the import background log either. It only took a few minutes when I tried to import without addresses.

When creating a list, you have the option of using a pre-generated subject line, e.g., B. “Please” review your subscription request” or create your own. However, you will have to wait for the AWeber team to confirm this as a valid subject line when making your methods.

AWeber also has a wizard to guide you through creating registration forms. I was happy to see that I could sector customers based on personalized areas or profile information.

AWeber states that there are auto-responders. However, they only send instant welcome messages to individuals when they contribute to a list. Moreover, there is no way to send notifications based on events like birthday or location, Campaigner, and GetResponse method.

Landing page builder

They usually contain a form, some nice pictures, and a percentage of text that defines the benefit of submitting your email address.

Landing pages generally capture data better than forms dropped on routine websites simply because fewer glitches are available. No navigation, serving, or content takes the focus far from a sign-up form.

The excellent information is that Aweber recently introduced landing pages as a brand new feature. Currently, you can use the platform to design basic landing pages along with advertising campaigns.

The landing page builder is straightforward to use on the plus side, and you can use some free photos when creating your page. You can also add a tracking code for Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics to your pages. That is useful when you are analyzing the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

On the negative side, there are no A/B tests.

One of the main advantages of using a landing page builder is running real-time checks on various landing pages to determine which variation is ideal.

Although the ability to include Facebook and Google Analytics tracking codes in the processing is not available, it seems possible to have this GDPR certified. Furthermore, if you use these cookies, you will need a system that EU visitors can use to stop the run, and there does not seem to be any means yet to help this tool.

Overall, thumbs up for adding this feature. However, renovation work is certainly needed.

Integration with third-party apps

Aweber has a good number of integrations with various other options – over 1,000. 

These allow you to link Aweber to different types of cloud-based software applications – web companies like Wix or WordPress; E-commerce systems like Shopify; CRM tools like Salesforce; Landing pages like Instapage, and so on.

Some include unique widgets; others involve pasting code directly into a website; others have a sync tool like Zapier or Pie Sync.

Aweber Customer Support

Aweber recognizes that when you make a sale, and your salesperson goes on vacation, it will be tough for customers. That is why they have multiple modes of customer support available 24/7, so no business will ever miss an opportunity because the right person could get in touch with them quickly enough.

Customer Support
Customer Support

In addition, there are no tires to go through to contact support. Corresponding phone numbers and email information can quickly found on the company page without searching through “knowledge bases” or fi”ling out forms in advance.

Additionally, the company has won several Stevie Awards for customer service over the past few years, which speaks very well of the high quality of support you get when you contact them.

Let’s be a beginner in email marketing. In this case, easy access to quality support is a solid debate for using Aweber as an email marketing provider.

You can contact the Aweber support team Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET. In addition, email and live/chat support is available 24/7.

Aweber Money-Back Guarantee

I was disappointed to find out that there is no clear AWeber refund policy on the website.

I contacted support for more information. That told me it would be better to request a refund before using this service because, after usage, refunds are evaluated case by case.

Aweber Alternatives

It’s eaIt’so find alternatives for Aweber review, especially if you’re you’re for additional features. For example, Getresponse is an alternative that provides more functionality at the same price point and also offers webinar functions and e-commerce tools.

Mailchimp is a better tool too. However, with the current adjustments to its pricing structure, it does not consistently offer excellent money. For more information on both, see our contrast between Getresponse and Mailchimp.

Another product to think about is Hubspot – this is a CRM product. However, it has some great email marketing features as well.

After that, suppose you try to find something that is a little cheaper. Then, mad Mimi deserves a check out (keep in mind that Mad Mimi is a much more standard solution than Aweber). Check out our Mad Mimi review for more information.

Suppose you received a lot of money after that. Campaign Monitor deserves a gig, too – it has lots of great features. However, it is expensive compared to all of the items mentioned above. You can check our Campaign Monitor here.


Aweber is a great email marketing software that will help you communicate with your customers and start building long-term relationships. The tools are perfect for any company, no matter how big or small they may be. So, if you’re to take your business to the next level by using an email marketing service, we highly recommend checking out all that Aweber has to offer!

Leave us a comment below and let us know what other tools from our blog have helped achieve success and if there’s else, we can do to make it easier on you. We want this site to be beneficial, so don’t donate to ask questions or give feedback-it to help us improve!

9 Total Score
Aweber Review

AWeber's Email Marketing Solution provides you accessibility to limitless email templates, a drag & drop contractor, pre-stocked images, and all the tools you require to grow your service. AWeber has more than 20 years of tried and tested success assisting greater than one million customers dependably in connecting with their audiences. Plus, get award-winning 24/7 client support, free movement solutions, landing web page home builder, web press notifications, and extra!

  • Unlimited emails
  • Terrific help products
  • Offers free trial
  • Easy to use
  • Full customer support
  • Good at email delivery
  • Import Unlimited number of subscribers at a time
  • Low-priced plans
  • Extensive reporting capabilities
  • No free plans
  • Can not import from Gmail or third-party personal digital assistant
  • No Google Analytics
  • Imports take a very long time
  • Most of the templates are outdated
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Shajahan Sajal
Shajahan Sajal

I am Sajal. A Freelancer, a blogger, a Freelance Content Writer, and a geek when it comes to anything related to online marketing. Stay connected to me. Leave a comment if you like my articles.

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