Skillshare Review(2023): Learn Everything Which You Don’t Know

Skillshare Review: Choosing the right platform to build your next training course can be a little tricky. And when you’ve looked at the online listings, you’ll know that each forum has many features, most of which are undetectable when marketing. In this skillshare test, we will bring all the features you experience as a training course trainer back to the point. You get an honest look at what it looks like to set up an account, create a training course, and more.

What is Skillshare?

Skillshare Review
Home page

Skillshare is a platform for creating online training courses. While it rises compared to the Teachable, Thinkific, Kajabi, Learn Globes, Udemy, and Podia similarities, it’s a little more special. It offers an industry like Udemy, but Skillshare uses different instructions for all of the systems available, as you will see.

 A Short Backstory

Skillshare was founded in 2010 by Michael Karnjanaprakorn and Malcolm Ong. Both came from tech histories, with Karnjanaprakorn investing time in a social networking product that Facebook received and Ong being the product supervisor on the social networking service site OMGPop. While it doesn’t take a detailed certification collection to discover and build an online knowledge platform, Karnjanaprakorn and Ong seem to have what it takes.

Skillshare Pricing and Plans

Skillshare pricing
Pricing and Plan

With Skillshare, you get 30 days for free. After that, your account will charge 98.99 if you signed up for the annual plan, and $15 per month will undoubtedly be deducted from your account if you signed up for the monthly program. The key is to keep in mind what you’ve signed up for. Twelve months is a long time to remember the $98.99. If you don’t want them to keep writing the repayments, you need to contact them and make sure you get something to confirm that your strategy has to cancel.

Instructor Features 

There are two steps to getting started with Skillshare. First, enter your email address, your first and last name, and create a password. Skillshare also gives you the option to contact Facebook, Google, or Apple. The 2nd promotion is a quick offer for a free seven-day trial. You can register with a credit card or through PayPal. You can also choose from $8.25 per month billed at $99 each year or opt for the monthly billed option of $15 per month.

When finalizing Skillshare, it is essential to consider how your accounts work carefully. You create a report that gives you unlimited access to hundreds of programs on the platform. To become a teacher, switch between your trainer account and your regular trainee account (a lot more on that later).

The first thing you will see upon completion is a quick course creation survey. You need to choose a group for your course and then let Skillshare know your main goal for training this course. There are three options: making money, building and sticking to a brand name, or repaying through sharing expertise.

After you’ve checked out our various other reviews, you’ll be aware that we allow followers of effectiveness. Skillshare rating factors on that particular front. They did an excellent job making the platform conveniently available when signing up. You won’t be held back by a series of study issues, so you can focus on the most important topics and build your training course.

Creating Your Course

On skillshare programs, which describe as courses. Sign up off the beaten path. You immediately switch to the Class page. Here’s a look at your time once built. In the Edit area, you have the option to click a video lesson button that allows you to upload video clips. Below the “Video Lessons” button, there is a “Class Info” button. This area contains various details that you need to enter before your training course is published and know by Skillshare as the “Class Summary.”

One admission: while we were completing various educational and learning systems reviews, Skillshare initially confused us. The platform has a clean design, but it took me a while to figure out where to visit, start creating a course, and see precisely how a completed training course works together. Keep this skillshare review in mind if you’re looking to save time.

The Class Overview Section

Under Class overview, you can insert a summary in your course title, insert text, attach a file for a course project and select a key and additional classifications for your training course. You also choose to bill for a fee or offer your system for free, set the level of difficulty, and consist of course skills that students will undoubtedly acquire once they complete your training course. Class skills are tags that will indeed show up when your studies are published. They stand for all systems and make it easier for students to discover related content on the platform.

If you lived in your introductory session, click the Save Draft button again later and update your content, or hit the Publish button to go live.


Section “Empty Class Overview”


The front end is booming. Class overview

The My Class Page

On the My Class page, you will see a valuable resource area. It consists of links to well-written articles that explain exactly how to create your training course. That is where teachers need to focus. Skillshare is an online knowledge platform and is develop unlike any other we’ve ever seen. As you expand the content of your training course, you will need to submit a collection of video clips that meet the standards of detail.

At Skillshare, this standard is a total of 20 to 60 minutes of video clips (we’ve seen 5-hour courses, however), with each lesson lasting anywhere from 2 to 5 minutes. This video clip size allows for micro-learning, a technique that has been shown to keep students involved and keep their focus longer effectively.

With your submitted video clips, you can change them with Skillshare. For this purpose, you will most likely see the Food Teaching drop-down selection in the top right corner of your web browser’s home window. There you will discover 3options. You can create a course, access the teacher’s manual, or view courses to prepare you for training. To change your video clip lessons, click Classes You Teach.

You will take to the instructional page to see all of the courses you are currently studying or published. In either case, you have the option of clicking the edit button. On the teaching page, you will also find a button to create a brand new course.

Editing Videos

By editing videos, you can choose three options. You can change the title of your video clip, change the cover picture, or change subtitles, each of which is an easy task. When you customize subtitles, your web browser’s view will expand, and a startup window will appear listed under your video clip. This start window consists of subtitles, which, in addition to time stamps, instantly transform from your video clip.

We believe this is one of the most innovative features we discovered on the platform. The subtitles are not precisely exact, but they make it easier to create. And subtitles too. They are great for students who choose to check out and the hearing impaired, so your training course is as available as possible. Once you’ve changed your subtitles, click the Publish changes toggle to make your upgrade work.

Creating Projects

Skillshare offers jobs where most systems provide different methods of student expertise (believe in tests and assignments. Projects developed by submitting a file of comprehensive guidelines on the tasks students must complete. Projects become additional Developed in the class overview area.

To create a project, go to the Class Overview section and scroll to the location of the class project. Give your project a name, a summary, and upload a file with your project details.

If you are not creating a project from the Class Overview area, you can continuously take a look at your training course and click the Create Project button.

The Create Project button is sure to take you to a committed page that includes a cover image, project title, summary, image, video clip, link, and skill tags. Projects can also mad private if you choose.

Creating Your Profile

When learning Skillshare, creating an eye-catching profile is a great concept. To do this, go to the sign at the top right of the start window of your web browser and click on the Show profile switch. You can include:

  • A profile picture.
  • A heading.
  • A link to your website.
  • Profile links for social networks.

Skillshare also consists of 2 areas at the end of your profile. That is where all the jobs you have completed manage in addition to any training jobs you are dealing with. Both assignments and courses will not be visible unless you want to make them available to the public.

What Published Classes Look Like

With SkillShare’s unique means of creating courses, it’s easy to feel a bit lost taking advantage of exactly how various other training platforms make their courses. But at some point, you will have high-quality video clip content and the ability to include a neighborhood. Here you can see what will appear on a published course page.

About This Class

As covered earlier, the About This Class section is most likely one of the most important. Here you can share what the students will undoubtedly gain from your course. While you can be as detailed as possible, the area is not a sales page that you access on Thinkific, Kajabi, or Teachable. And that has more to do with Skillshare’s Udemy-like design. Skillshare has also used tabs to scroll through the various sections discussed below.

Class Projects

Class jobs list under the “About This Class” section. You will also discover course jobs from students who have completed the course. We believe this is a feature that makes Skillshare unique. It creates a particularly intimate environment and a stronger sense of neighborhood where students can share their job and provide and receive comments.

Course Difficulty

The difficulty of the course is essential information. Finding the right training course for your expertise in a particular topic can be difficult. Skillshare addresses this problem by consisting of a difficulty level that varies from beginner to advanced to a specialist.

Course Teacher

Do you remember your profile? Here it reaches radiation. Each course page consists of a page with a link that you can use to follow a course instructor. Creating the best possible profile is required as it allows students to see you better and tells you why you are certified to teach.

Number of Students

The variety of students attending each course is one of the better metrics you will use with Skillshare. It’s an excellent sign of the number of people who have completed a course, plus one that inspires students who aren’t sure if your system is right for them.

A collection of related courses will appear at the bottom of your course page. You will see cards showing the variety of students who have attended a class, how much time it is, the course title, and the educator’s name.

While some might view this as a bit of an argument over passion, we believe that providing related courses is an intelligent and student-centered technique for delivering value. Often, students are trying to learn something completely new, and not every system undoubtedly offers a thorough study of a subject. Related courses allow students to dig much more profound and expand their subject matter knowledge.

Skills in This Class

Do you remember the tags you developed for course skills? Here they appear. These included a proper mouse-over function that shows you the number of courses for a particular achievement and the number of fans for each skill.


The review area in Skillshare is slightly larger than many other systems. It gives you a concept of which courses design according to their level of difficulty and shows you which people many like about the course and whether their assumptions met.

As much as reviews go, this is pretty helpful information. Anyone who has ever completed an online training course realizes that there are usually components or areas within programs that may have to outperform or programs that shyly fell off to make an impact. With such a summary, students can gain even more insight to help determine where to invest their time.

Below the introduction, you will find reviews from trainees.

Community Engagement

Community engagement is a tremendous proposition. By engaging with the students, you create an atmosphere that contributes to a broader knowledge experience. Skillshare has a Conversations tab listed just below the video clip player. As a trainer, you can pin an article while students post their concerns or comment and respond to those of you or various other students.

While the conversation area looks neat and sound, we think it doesn’t have a lot going for it, and that again goes for the platform’s design. Because your course doesn’t break in on certain lesson pages with specific areas for lesson-specific concerns or comments, the location of the course conversation will appear out of order. Students publish every problem in one place, making it difficult to have conversations as their number increases.

Projects and Resources

The project and resource location contain a detailed summary of the project, downloadable files, and links to sources. It also shows a collection of all jobs that have ever been submitted for a course before.

Team Plans

Team plans are the business solution from Skillshare. It enables the services to qualify their employees with the platform. While companies get access to dedicated account managers, reports to analyze engagements, the ability to integrate their API and various other apps, and curated discovery courses, educators don’t seem to get any of these features. In particular, we would certainly enjoy seeing exactly how well programs are doing in companies. And that’s a great deal. Thinkific, Kajabi, Teachable, and Udemy offer analysis and reports that give teachers insights.

Gift Cards

Skillshare provides present cards on 3, 6, and nine-month terms that do not end. 

Mobile Apps

Skillshare offers iPhone and Android apps. They are neat and easy-to-use interfaces, but unfortunately, they don’t provide the ability to edit or create programs for teachers.


Getting Paid With Skillshare 

As you would undoubtedly imagine, Skillshare’s membership cost design offers different ways to generate income from the platform instead of various other online education and learning resources. That could be a challenging tablet for potential educators. Your membership design based on three factors:

  • Providing a budget-friendly axis in the reduced obstacle for students,
  • Foster engagement by allowing students to sign up for brand new courses frequently, and
  • Ensure sustainability as subscriptions drive a constant stream of registrations and income generation over time.

What does this mean for educators? There are two ways to get paid:

  • Earn with the Teacher Referral Program, which earns you $10 for every Premium Member you refer.
  • Earn Nobilities monthly for the minutes you’ve seen from your courses. It’s essential to keep in mind that the noble-free bill can go up and down between $0.05 and $0.10 per minute. That suggests that you can make anywhere from $500 to $1000 in a month if students have watched up to 10,000 minutes of content.

While this design appears to gear towards promoting availability and sustainability, at first glance, it seems much less tempting than offering private programs on various other systems. Skillshare also suggests they paid educators over $4.5 million, with private educators making an average of $3,500 a year and their ten most effective educators making over $30,000 a year.

Unlike Udemy or Teachable, both systems will be much stricter with training markets intending to jump straight into the tech from Skillshare. For example, Rob Percival’s programs at Udemy have practically reached 120,000 students for a total income of more than $2.8 million. Victor Bastos has also got more than 52,000 Udemy students with his programs, earning him practically $900,000.

Skillshare’s Affiliate Program

Skillshare offers a partner program that is open to all online partners. Affiliates receive $7 and a 30-day cookie for each referral customer. You also get access to a collection of real-time tracking tools. The platform informs about the number of references they have made, and their payment value will undoubtedly mad through an individual control panel. Unfortunately, none of these details are available to educators. Other systems have unique administration control panels where you can post special links for employees and gather information about how well each employee is doing.

Customer Support

Skillshare’s support isn’t the most convenient point to discover. You will not receive any contact numbers. Instead, you’ll have to sort through the Skillshare Help to find out what you’re looking for. While the help center tidies up classified topics, a lack of accessibility to guide assistance can offend a bit.

Customer Support
Customer Support

However, there may be a light at the end of the passage. On the help page, there is a puzzling symbol that displays in the lower right corner. Clicking that will undoubtedly bring up a pop-up startup window where you can make a request and search for it. If your concern remains unanswered, you have the option to speak to Skillshare afterward.

But that is not and what you believe. When you contact them, they will suggest creating a ticket by selecting a topic from a drop-down selection. After that, you will need to leave your email address and summarize your problem and various other information such as the type of device, the web browser you are using, and the LINK affected.


As already described in this Skillshare review, the platform offers a collection of comprehensive articles that fall under the teacher’s guide. The pieces are helpful and do a great job of directing educators to create quality programs.

Skillsharealsoy offers a free training course called “Learn to Teach an Amazing Skillshare Class.” It is a short training course developed by Skillshare. It covers the basics of preparing and creating a system.

Skillshare Pricing

Skillshare offers two plans. It is essential to realize that these plans give you both access to all the training you would like to take as a student and decide to become a teacher. You can choose from $8.25 per month billed at $99 each year or opt for the $15 per month billed monthly.

Key Takeaways for Instructors

Skillshare is one of the much more specialized online education and learning systems available today. The technique of billing a set membership expense for access to an unlimited amount, of course, and after that, paying educators for the multitude of minutes for the content displayed or the $10 referral cost is different from what multiple teachers would expect.

As a result, membership design is far less preferable than offering programs at a set cost. Fixed costs allow you to generate even more income over time by providing prices to retail customers. Skillshare also doesn’t have many great features that teachers can use to create efficient programs. There are no analysis or reporting functions, and student engagement limits one tab in your training course. And staff cannot make direct partnerships with teachers, so they will not inform you that this will bring much more revenue or income to your programs.

Skillshare Rating

While Skillshare offers a clean design and user interface, the overall experience of deploying and handling programs on the platform is a little overwhelming. Given the lack of critical analysis and reporting tools, educators will undoubtedly find it challenging to get great content for training courses over time. Skillshare’s membership design also makes it difficult for educators to scale its programs and revenue.

However, if you still want to stay in the market for a simplified online education and learning platform for your training course and want an even more straightforward technique for creating your system, choose the seven-day trial of Skillshare to get a natural look feel on the platform.

Skillshare Money-Back Guarantee

Although there are some unfavorable reviews regarding Skillshare’s refund policy and exactly how individuals struggle to get their money back, the platform offers refunds. Refunds are available for annual premium membership billing. You must contact Skillshare within seven days of the cost refinement.

Skillshare does not offer refunds for annual subscriptions after seven days of expense, does not offer refunds for monthly subscriptions, and allows a per-customer refund.

Skillshare Alternatives

Udemy, like Skillshare, is both an online education and learning platform and market. The critical difference between the two is how each platform provides programs and provides teachers with additional tools to help them track and manage programs and students. For example, Udemy delivers programs that corrupt by teaching. Classes get a dedicated page, conversation area, downloadable sources, and the ability to rate them as students proceed with the content.

On the other hand, Skillshare offers a page dedicated to all of the content of the training course. You also get a conversation area and no analytics reporting tools. While these are just some of the differences between the two systems, we encourage you to check out our entire Udemy review on the platform’s information.


The opportunity to study for the benefit of learning is reasonable enough for me to announce that Skillshare comfortably deserves it. The hands-on assignments and the ability to connect with others, including professionals in your desired fields of knowledge, make the <$10 per month fee a business. It would help if you determined which courses would undoubtedly bring you the most benefit, whether you want to increase your returns with shimmering competitiveness or insist on yourself as a professional hobbyist.

Skillshare registered members can do much more than acquire new skills from the courses. You will fall in love with learning again; please inspired and experienced colleagues who challenge and inspire you and possibly discover your addiction to knowledge.

8 Total Score
Skillshare Review

Skillshare's online learning platform gives you instant access to hundreds of new skills, tasks, and tools, as well as an area of eager-learners. It is simple to discover high-grade courses that touch on modern technology motifs, business, creativity, and lifestyle. Course subjects span the gamut yet typically focus on sharing preferable creative and entrepreneurial skills.

  • Easy to use all around
  • Wide range of content with an emphasis on skills for creative types
  • Design Is Very Good
  • Optional project and community interaction
  • Skillshare mobile app available
  • Ideal for instructors who desire a much less intricate
  • Lets anyone design and instruct a program
  • High-quality control
  • Team plans available for companies
  • No sales funnel capacities.
  • Feedback from various other learners is rarely insightful or training.
  • No reporting or analytics
  • Drip content is not available.
  • No marketing tools.
  • No chat support.
  • The revenue version offers low-income capacity.
  • No training course certification.
  • Can not bundle or cross-sell courses.
  • No affiliate management tools.
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Shajahan Sajal
Shajahan Sajal

I am Sajal. A Freelancer, a blogger, a Freelance Content Writer, and a geek when it comes to anything related to online marketing. Stay connected to me. Leave a comment if you like my articles.

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