MemberMouse Review(2023): Is It Good WordPress Membership Plugin?

MemberMouse Review: I’ve tried a ton of member site plugins over the years. Some are more effective than others, but it’s always a pain in the butt to find out which one is best for your needs and budget. I’m so glad that my business finally got off its lazy bum and made up our mind once and for all on what platform we wanted to use moving forward!

The last time I had to use a computer mouse, it was as if my life depended on the movement of this little device. Upon entering an unfamiliar room to pursue some files that were needed for work, a quick search yielded no mice anywhere! It appeared as though there wasn’t even one available from where we started our hunt – but luckily, at least two desks have them sitting right next to their keyboards and monitors.

I probably won’t post a notable feature-to-feature contrast below. All systems have their advantages and disadvantages. Most likely, I’ll tell you why I picked Member Computer Mouse and how it works down at the academy.

What is MemberMouse?

MemberMouse is a user-friendly WordPress Membership Plugin that helps you to offer items, subscriptions, and memberships. It also provides the option of establishing password-protected member areas on your site to only pay customers to access them. Additionally, this plugin offers one-click upsells and down sells along with managing customer information such as their purchasing history or how many subscription days they have left before it expires.

MemberMouse Review
MemberMouse Review

It does not matter where you are beginning. MemberMouse has the power that you need to optimize the income and get your business running efficiently like a well-oiled machine. The MemberMouse is one system to manage your entire business.

MemberMouse gives you everything that you require to manage an effective online business conveniently. It does not matter whether you are marketing electronic items, registration content, or software as a service. MemberMouse offers an extensible platform with which you can promptly change your business, and the very best component is that you do not need to use any coding.

The MemberMouse Plugin will undoubtedly obtain you up and running promptly. It will likewise manage many of the everyday tasks in your business, along with saving you time and effort. Without any doubt, Member Mouse is among the best and most reputable ways to begin your online business.

A Few Things To Know Going In

You’re about to make a big decision. Here are some things you need to know before making (or switching) your choice of Membership Management Software:

  • MemberMouse is easy for beginners, but also has the tools that experienced marketers will appreciate.
  • Membership management software makes it simple and painless for any size business or organization to accept more memberships while ensuring they collect all their dues in full.
  • MemberMouse is its very own membership. In various other words, you’re paying monthly for Member Computer Mouse. It begins at $19/month and goes up depending upon the variety of participants, although it will undoubtedly go to $19 for some time for most people. Trust me, however, whatever you pay monthly for MemberMouse can be swiftly made up. Once you’re making a couple of grand a month, $19 does not matter.
  • No shipping options For a lot of my visitors, this will not matter. But, if you’re attempting to market things that include physical shipping, you would certainly require to take care of that beyond MemberMouse.
  • No file protection If you make files available to participants in your media collection, the MemberMouse does not safeguard those. I truthfully do not assume it’s a problem, yet feel in one’s bones that.
Learning Curve MemberMouse isn’t among those plugins that you’ll turn on and be up and running in an hr.

It will take a little time to determine precisely how to use elements, degrees, and packages and equate this with your business. Creating the pages you want with SmartTags undoubtedly takes a lot of trial and error before you are more than satisfied with how it exactly looks and feels. You have your website’s digestive tract up and running quickly, but honestly, tweaking points so that it looks professional and all of the elegant upsells and downsells are in place will most likely take some time.

  • Not GPL. That will not matter to most people, yet unlike several Word Press plugins with the GPL software program certificate, MemberMouse does not. That implies that you will certainly not have the ability to enter and customize or hack the source code if you’re a designer. The underlying PHP code obfuscate. I uncommitted. But, you may.
  • One License Per LINK. The memberMouse is a plugin that you will certainly download and install, yet it “phones home” to their licensing server. For this factor, you can deny MemberMouse when and use on multiple sites, Honestly. However, the MemberMouse truly radiates when you do whatever under one roofing system.
One various the other intriguing details that discuss the monthly payment and the one-site certificate.

MemberMouse supports you with your immediate recurring payment. Most Word Press plugins rely heavily on Word Press to perform set up tasks, and Word Press tasks activate by actual site traffic.

It’s not that reliable. The alternative is to set up a CRON to work with your server. However, some blog site owners don’t know exactly how to do it.

MemberMouse supports you in ensuring an immediate payment through surveillance. It is from MemberMouse servers and guarantees costs to activate on time. Furthermore, it is safe because MemberMouse doesn’t display any customer information.

All you get is an internal data source ID, a quantity, and a payment period. So this is an extra layer of security to ensure your company doesn’t leave instant payment to Word Press.

MemberMouse Pricing and Plan

MemberMouse is a pricing WordPress plugin. There are three different plans available to prospective buyers: Growth, Advanced, and Professional.

In addition to the Top Professional plan, all plans limit the number of participants you can have.

MemberMouse Pricing starter plan $19.95 per month for 1,000 participants, $39.95 per month for 5,000 members, and $59.95 per month for 10,000 members. This plan includes most plugin features: B. Content Protection, Drip Content, Checkout Pages, Downsells and Upsells, and Basic Reports.

Pricing and Plan
Pricing and Plan

The MemberMouse Pricing Professional Plan gives you $299 per month for up to 100,000 attendees and $599 per month for an unlimited number of attendees. In addition, this plan adds integration support for LimeLight CRM and provides telephone support to customers.

If it’s ideal for you, a 14-day free trial is available to try and see the prices for MemberMouse. I recommend taking advantage of this before signing up for a plan.

To use the free trial version, you need to authorize a payment with PayPal or a bank card. Make sure to cancel this recurring payment if you don’t want to use the MemberMouse pricing on your website beyond the trial, as you will be billed for the $19.95 per month starter plan if you don’t.

Enjoyed your free trial of MemberMouse Pricing?

If you’re launching a brand new membership website and decided to use MemberMouse after the trial, I recommend sticking to the starter plan for at least a couple of weeks. That will help you determine if you need the functionality provided in professional or innovative programs such as reporting.

Those of you who have an established membership website may need to choose among the higher-priced plans to suit your existing members. In the tutorial “Importing Members Using the Import Wizard,” you will learn how to move your data from an additional WordPress membership plugin.

Overview of MemberMouse Features

MemberMouse is a Word Press plugin that provides enterprise-grade features. In reality, some huge membership sites operate on top of MemberMouse. Therefore, allow’s go point-by-point over the essential things which matter to me personally.

MemberMouse Ease Of Use

It’s straightforward to use, thanks to the way MemberMouse works great with various other plugins.

For pre-existing WordPress sites that already have a ton of content (that you probably want to monetize right now), MemberMouse will show up right away and help immediately.

There is a learning contour with every LMS or a similar plugin, and with MemberMouse, only the different options recognize. It will apply to your WordPress theme instead of the simple way, but there is an ocean of possibilities for your memberships that you need to browse. You won’t even need many of them.

Give him two days to play around, and by the start of Day 3, you will feel like you have been using MemberMouse for several years.


Installment payment is a straightforward solution that can integrate directly into your site. You assume that this is certainly straightforward. However, installing it can be a little annoying if you have more than one location. You have to install it separately on each site because you need separate subscriptions for each site.

MemberMouse only benefits from one WordPress site at a time. Installation in each area is still a straightforward and short process. However, if you are trying to generate income from half a dozen websites at once, now is the time to manage those subscription prices. Also, if there is a problem with MemberMouse, you need to fix the same problem for each of those sites.


Setting up subscriptions through MemberMouse is relatively straightforward. As soon as customers begin the signup process, they’ll route to the in-site checkout feature.

That works similarly to practically every checkout function you’ve utilized throughout the years for online buying so that individuals will feel right in your home.

Security Plugin

Since they protect customers who also try many registrations unsuccessfully, security plugins do not often cause problems with MemberMouse per se, but rather.

A security plugin like WordFence (our preferred solution) will show you statistics like the number of logins attempted by a particular user, their IP address, location (or at least the location of their IP address), etc. It amazed me to see repeatedly that many customers try to log in many times as if the subsequent 20 attempts with the same password would undoubtedly do well if the first 20 attempts stopped working.

The outcome is that the security plugin secures them out!

To avoid harassing member emails, set the number of logins attempted before the lockout reaches 50 or more. You may even want to choose an email notification that calls you when a customer has tried to sign in X times so that you can help them.

You can also configure how much time a person should keep turning off. I usually set this to an hour unless it resembles the annoying user who, in reality, remains a robot (in which case, you can set it to run for a more extended period).

I do not recommend that you completely uninstall your security plugin if it is causing a headache. That is a standard, reasonable, but ultimately bandaid solution. Instead, it’s best to go through the setups one at a time (or better yet, let’s do this) to ensure that it doesn’t affect the smooth performance of your member site while keeping your site secure.

Completely Customizable Checkout Process

The truth is that many entire-blown businesses don’t send individuals to Clickbank or Paypal to close a sale. Instead, you do it precisely on the spot. One of the main things I like about Member Computer Mouse is an established checkout process for customizing and creating my method.

Checkout pages have been created using shortcodes that offer many customization options. For example, my checkout page is created with Thrive Architect, and the member computer’s mouse tags are burned right into it.

I’ve seen some notable modifications to checkout pages that Member Computer Mouse use. Under certain circumstances, ReflexionYoga also uses the member computer mouse, and the checkout page looks remarkable.

Beyond Shortcodes- SmartTags

MemberMouse evaluates the most critical functions SmartTags are shortcodes for steroids. Instead of just mindlessly scoring points like the result of a participant’s name, SmartTags have a reasonable ability. Do you want to disclose the content to people with multiple degrees or a specific standalone product? No problem.

SmartTags are also used to promote points like upsells, downsells, and more. The win is that you have great versatility in the sales process and know exactly how your existing content cannot be found across your entire website using various other plugins or CRM-based systems.

Members Can Manage Their Account

MemberMouse review top features Ever had participants obtain perplexed on exactly how to terminate? Or transform the email address on their profile? Maybe you billed them using Paypal, and currently, they do not understand precisely how to remove themselves?

Member Computer mouse unifies whatever right into a customer account page where they can take control of whatever. For example, they can transform their very own account, terminate their account, downgrade their plan, And Membermouse maintains all the payment systems and email systems in sync.

Four years later, I’ll find out for sure that PayPal exists.

The truth is, this is not the MemberMouse verification bug. Paypal is notorious. Unusual when it comes to recurring repayments from members. It takes control of external systems and does not allow them to manage them. So in some cases, we have complications with attendees who paid with Paypal, and we need to help them manage/cancel their subscriptions.

You can control the look and feel of your account page to match your website. No, much more than sending your attendees straight to the Word Press administration window to change their profile. I’ve consistently believed that sending people straight to the Word Press admin to change their shape was a little less than professional for a membership site. Members should never understand what platform they are using.

Solid Member Management

Each participant account can be managed directly via the MemberMouse verification functions. We can see their job background, get access to log-in to see when they sign up and what they are doing. We can stop, end, refund. I can “compose” people with a membership if we so choose.

We can quickly resend your credentials or welcome emails.

We can quickly convert your password.

The site background allows us to understand if someone is drawing you on us. For example, if a participant requests a refund and states that they may never enter the website, we will have access to the log and know when they have visited the website.

Likewise, the list of participants is not all directly summarized in the Word Press Individualist. This makes dealing with participants much less complex.

1-Click Upsells

A feature typically scheduled simply for the fancier purchasing carts. Now you can do it precisely on your very own site. You can designate various upsells to various items to create your very own upsell course. And, indeed, a solitary click enables them to take the upsell.

Member Computer mouse offers you a SmartTag for every product Wherever you use that. The 1-click acquisition is instantly allowed (as long as your payment system sustains it).

Now, this ability needs that the participant uses a credit card (such as using Stripe). If the participant is paying using Paypal, the upsells will certainly still function. Nevertheless, it will undoubtedly need the participant to experience the Paypal payment procedure once more.

One point I such as regarding these upsells is their versatility. You can build them right into your sales channel to make sure they can take upsells throughout the checkout procedure.

That’s the lovely criterion for any sales channel. However, viewing as this is a membership site, you’re most likely to have individuals visited and experiencing content. With Member Computer mouse, you will certainly have the capability to have actual upsells provided to them while they get on your site.

For circumstances, wish to offer your paying participants the alternative to schedule a consulting phone call with you at any time? Then, put a massive switch on your site that allows them to get it anytime, with simply one click.

That is a practical feature of Member Computer Mouse.

“Save The Sale” and Downsells

When an attendee is most likely to quit, you can try “saving the sale.” You can customize your page that will either attempt to pronounce them off the deal or down-sell them. For example, perhaps your subscriber is a “gold” subscriber and decides to quit. Instead, you can offer to downgrade them to a “silver” membership.

And everything happens precisely on your website – with a single click and the mouse of the member’s computer, all partial payment changes are immediately corrected if they are adjusted.

API And Push Notifications

One of the most compelling features of Member Computer Mouse is its ability to make a great participant in your marketing technology stack. With its press alert system, it deals with outdoor software programs effectively.

When I switched to Drip in Marketing, support for MemberMouse functions was integrated. I’ve set up various press releases in the member’s computer mouse that ping the Drip API at various attendee events. You have precise control over when these press warnings are displayed. In addition, these press releases send a lot of participant data.

This means that Drip remains absolutely in sync at all times. In addition, since Drip is a marketing automation platform, I can activate different points based on the activities a participant is doing on my website.

Member Computer Mouse + Drip = Awesomesauce.

Reporting System

MemberMouse review top features have a reporting collection in them. It needs a greater degree of Member Computer mouse account to access it, yet I have access to it. The Reporting Suite is quite effective. Nevertheless, to truly obtain exclusive use, you must use the MemberMouse top features’ built-in tracking.

Many marketers wish to have the ability to track the lead source and track efficiency based upon where the traffic originates. With MemberMouse, this is baked right into the associate system. Nevertheless, it is a little bit complicated because you would assume this is exclusively for associate tracking functions. But, in truth, it can be used for ANY traffic source, not simply for associates.

Essentially, it boils down to this.

With Member Computer Mouse, you do not always require UTM tags or elegant traffic-tracking tools to track traffic sources. Instead, you can do it with the Member Computer mouse’s associate tags. Then, you can track sales by channel.

Something I Don’t Like About MemberMouse?

Well, certain. Almost four years later on, I certainly could run Member Computer Mouse via its speeds. Of course, nothing is 100% ideal. And that consists of Member Computer Mouse.

So, below’s what I’m not specifically keen on.
  • It would certainly behave if it supported one-click upsells with Paypal and make a stripe. I know the technological limitations. Nevertheless, some third-party purchasing carts (like Thrive Cart) manage to do it, so I envision.
  • The Reporting Suite is unique, yet we feel it isn’t complete and not constantly also precise. For this factor, I use press alerts to send data to a third-party system. And eventually, right into a Cyfe control panel to track points the method I please.
But, it is a bothersome problem.
  • The Member Computer mouse user interface should bear in mind options such as the amount of access I wish to reveal simultaneously. I need to re-select this every time.
  • Assigning defenses to content takes way too many clicks. You ought to have the ability to include multiple levels/bundles to an item of content all at once, yet that’s not the case. It would help if you did it one-by-one, and, to be honest, that’s truly silly.

Lastly, I desire the MemberMouse features had a lot more updates. It is without a doubt a suitable platform, yet they do not include brand-new features typically whatsoever. I feel that if a Word Press plugin is most likely to bill recurring monthly repayments to use it (and Member Computer mouse is, maybe, the just such plugin I know that does this), after that, it ought to back it up with even more constant updates.

That is just one of the important things I value around Thrive Themes, and their membership Thrive Themes gains their money because they bring out software program improvements quite typically. Unfortunately, member Computer Mouse does not.

MemberMouse Customer Support

This is exactly where MemberMouse pricing offers you comprehensive automated customer support. For example, on the “My Account” page, a customer can update all payment addresses and contact information, as well as a username, password, and much more.

Customer support
Customer Support

If the card is reduced and you conveniently save time and money on customer service, the ideal component is that MemberMouse also sends a customer right by email. These are the services that help MemberMouse attract the attention of the competition. Automated customer service for MemberMouse review will save you money and provide your customers with a good experience.

MemberMouse Money-Back Guarantee

If you’re a very spontaneous person and often make last-minute decisions, then there’s good news for you! If you cancel your subscription before it ends at the end of the present period, no funds will be refunded.

However, if canceled within 30 days of initial purchase, any money paid towards active subscriptions could be given back to them in full.

MemberMouse Alternatives

As an association manager, you have to consider numerous factors when researching your Association Management Software. MemberMouse is not the only option out there, and you must explore other options before committing to this one. There are many considerations, including reliability and ease of use, so make sure these are taken into account!

We have put together a list of remedies. First, those reviewers elected as the best overall choices and competitors to MemberMouse, consisting of ClubExpressMemberPress, iMIS, and Mobilize.

MemberMouse Conclusion

The MemberMouse rating is an affordable, high-quality solution. With it, you can turn your Word Press site into a complete business platform right away whilst also aligning with your own company’s needs and wants. It beats many other options in the process!

Much larger sites than mine also work in addition to MemberMouse’s pricing and features. This plugin is not a computer mouse. You would surely assume that they would no doubt call it something that didn’t seem so dainty, but believe me. This point is imperative.’

8 Total Score
MemberMouse Review

MemberMouse is an easy-to-use WordPress subscription plugin that enables you to offer memberships, registrations. And items, arranging a password safeguarded member's area, providing 1-click upsells and down sells, handling customers, automating client service, tracking vital retention metrics, and more. No matter where you're starting from, MemberMouse has the power you need to take full advantage of profits and obtain your service running like a well-oiled machine.

  • High Community Engagement
  • Accessibility & Affordability
  • Personal Flexibility
  • Significant Effort Required
  • The Content Marathon
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Shajahan Sajal
Shajahan Sajal

I am Sajal. A Freelancer, a blogger, a Freelance Content Writer, and a geek when it comes to anything related to online marketing. Stay connected to me. Leave a comment if you like my articles.

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