Automizy Review(2023): Increase Your Open Email Rate

Automizy is a powerful yet easy-to-use email marketing software that makes it easy to create and send high-converting emails. Automize your marketing with Automizy! Automizy has three levels of service, Automize Pro, Automize Basic, and Automize Free, which offers the ability for users to send up to 1500 emails per month with unlimited contacts.

This Automizy Review article will detail what Automizy can do for you and how it can help your business grow.

It’s faster than various other tools I’ve tried in the past and a lot easier to use – generally decent value in a market with particularly complicated email automation tools.

What is Automizy?

Automizy is software that automatically sends out emails to potential customers. So the best way for entrepreneurs and small businesses alike to look into email marketing campaigns would be to use Automizy.

The software has download over 15 million times. Big companies like Johnson & Johnson, Microsoft, and Kaspersky Lab have used it to help them develop their operations more smoothly.

Keith Baxter and Jason Oxenham are two founding members of Automizy, a joint venture company that handles both the technical side of their program while also taking care of customer support. Keith started his time at Automizy as an employee before becoming a consultant after establishing himself in the industry with years working under other CEOs who had experience running large corporations such as IBM, Microsoft, and Sprint Communications.

Automizy is great for small and medium-sized businesses, advertising and marketing professionals, and corporations as they use the platform to transform leads into sales.

Automizy Review
Home Page

The Automizy email automation tool offers a clever way for small or mid-sized business owners/promotional experts to build their brand awareness while making more money in less time. The intuitive interface makes it easy to create personalized messages that drive recipients towards specific actions, such as visiting your website or signing up for updates from your company’s blog posts.

In contrast to the older competitor platforms, Automizy’s sleek design and user-friendly interface make it easy for marketers and experts of all levels to handle multiple campaigns in a flash. In addition, with an advanced analysis section that helps you optimize your efforts based on what works best for each type of campaign, this system is ideal if you’re looking to improve results without putting too much time into research or preparation work beforehand.

Automizy Pricing and Plans

Automizy is cost-effective for customers who want to automate their social media and CRM. Small businesses can sign up at $9 per month, gradually increasing depending on their subscribers. For an even more customized solution, Automizy offers a personalized package based on your unique needs.

Automizy Pricing Review
Pricing and Plan

There are three Automize packages: Automize Free, Automize Basic, and Automize Pro. The main difference between the different packages is how many emails they let you send per month.

For example, Automizy lets users send up to 1500 emails with unlimited contacts each month for free; however, if you need more than that, you will need Automize Basic, which lets you send up to 5000 emails with unlimited contacts.

Automizy Pro is the highest package, and it allows users to send up to 15000 messages per month, but they will have a limit of 500 unique contacts each day.

Overview of Automizy Features

Automizy has a lot of features that make it very easy and quick to get started. The first thing is the dashboard which gives you access to your campaign settings, automation rules, data analytics, and more. You can set up an unlimited number of email campaigns with Automizy’s drag-and-drop editor, so you don’t have to spend time setting them all manually.

The software also includes many pre-written templates for various businesses like membership sites, online stores, or bloggers who want to promote their latest posts on social media.


The dashboard is streamlined and intuitive to browse, with every element assigned. The design team at Tecta understands the importance of a straightforward interface for their customers- it’s why they make sure that each button on the screen has a primary function. It makes everything simple and stress-free!

The new dashboard layout by Tecta explicitly design in the mind of users who want efficiency when using any device or browser: from desktops down to tablets, phones, smartwatches—you name it! Put your cursor over one icon on this spruced-up user interface (UI) you’ll see what will happen next without having to click anything.

Drag & Drop Editor

From the drag and drop editor, you can produce an appealing newsletter that will be a lot of fun. In addition, many layouts have been proven to help get the most out of your email engagement.

Want to make your email marketing even more engaging and exciting? Let the drag-and-drop editor help you design professional newsletters that are a lot of fun. The many proven layouts will ensure that you get the most out of each email engagement!

Subject Line Tester

The AI anticipates the performance of your subject lines even before you distribute them. The system analyzes and predicts critical metrics such as open rates, engagement rate, click-throughs to learn what works for your company’s audience to give recommendations on how best to alter or improve these subjects accordingly to have a higher impact with less effort.

Have you ever wondered what the best subject line is to have for emails?

Subject lines are most definitely a crucial element in email marketing strategies. They help determine whether an individual will open and read your message, as well as how many click-throughs it may generate. Read on to find out more about this important topic!

Visual Automation Builder

The Automation Builder is a fantastic way to make your campaign look like an actual designer designed it.

You can configure your emails to tailor them to the subscriber better. From where they clicked in previous mails, whether or not they visited your website, and more—you’ll have a checklist of options from which you can choose for each email. There are also ready-to-use automation templates that will help start this process if it’s new territory!

Automatic Resend

The company has sent out a series of emails to buyers and found that many are missed because they’re not open.

Resending them with new subject lines is one way to ensure people don’t miss any vital information from the seller in their inboxes, but it’s risky business for all parties involved if you haven’t double-checked your email list yet! To avoid this situation, update the messages for some recipients while leaving others untouched, so no one feels like they’ve been ignored or forgotten about when opening those that come through as unread at first glance.

To make sure you get your point across, we need to keep sending out emails! So would you please send another one if we haven’t confirmed that someone got our previous email yet because they didn’t click on the link or reply?

A/B testing

The Article 4 subject line is an opportunity for you to persuade people before they even read what’s in the email itself, so it needs a lot of thought and planning put into it beforehand. Start by looking at examples from other companies or brands that have done this well with their article 4s – then tailor them according to how relevant your company might be on social media profiles such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, etcetera.

Automizy removes the headache of figuring out which email is most likely to be opened and read.

When you’re sending an important message, it’s a good idea to make sure that as many people will see it as possible. How do you maximize your chances for success? With Automizy! This machine learning formula uses data from previous emails sent by other users on Gmail. It analyzes what worked best to help send variations with better odds at being seen or clicked on- so whether someone has just skimmed their inbox or had been absent all day. They’ll have every chance of seeing your emails reach them before others’. Don’t leave anything up to the event when communicating with customers–with Automazky maximizing open rates becomes easy.

Website Behavior Tracking

You can send automated emails based on website visitor participation. For example, if someone visits your page and clicks the button to sign up for a newsletter but doesn’t complete that action, you could receive an email notification with their click information.

I’m glad to hear that you are thinking of sending a contact with more information about your pricing website. Of course, a discount coupon is perfect for making the sale!

Are you considering contacting contacts who saw your pricing page? I bet they would be interested in hearing more and making their purchase from there. After all, it’s our goal to drive sales.

Advanced Filters

There is an infinite number of filters that can help you develop your automated email campaigns much better. For example, you can filter your customers and subscribers based on the tags, lead score, email openings, clicks, subscription date, UTM criteria, bounce rate, tasks, etc.

For example, if your email is about an urgent task, you’ll want to make sure that the person who can best help with it receives the message.

Some of these filters are more subtle than others and require a little bit of experimentation on your part before they become second nature. The use of lasers in this context might seem strange at first glance, but we assure you there’s some sound science behind them!

Campaign Analytics

With comprehensive analytics, you can see exactly how your campaigns are performing. For example, you can see the open rate, the click price, the send rate, the hard and soft bounces, the number of unsubscriptions, top-performing links, and much more.

When you run A/B testing, it’s essential to monitor how each variant performs. One way is through conversion rates or bounce rate data collected from visitors to your website.

When running an A/B test, one of the most valuable things you can do is track conversions and bounce rates across both variants to see which version wins out during that period.


Automizy integrates with most industry-leading devices like Slack, Zapier, Salesforce, Mailchimp, LeadPages, and more. Plus, there are plenty of zap design templates for you to play around with and connect.

To connect to various other tools, use. For example, Automizy has an open API. So, while you will most likely be paying attention to your content and promotional efforts, Automizy will take care of engaging and converting your subscribers/customers.

Automizy Customer Support

Automizy Customer Support does not offer phone support. Instead, they provide an email address and a live chat button to get your questions answered.

Customer Support
Customer Support

That is great if you’re working from home because it allows you the flexibility that most people need to meet customer needs without worrying about the many tasks that being tied to your desk can bring.

Automizy Money-Back Guarantee

Automizy is a company that offers 60 days of protection, so you have nothing to worry about. Furthermore, when signing up with the business, one can expect zero hassles because they offer a money-back guarantee for all new members.

Suppose you do not have many active supporters within the specified month period. In that case, Automizy will refund 100% of their original payment and any fees paid by participating in third-party promotions during this time frame. In addition, after analyzing data, they will see a minimum threshold for how much each person needs to contribute every 30 days; otherwise, those who didn’t reach it would entitle to only 50%.

Automizy Alternatives

There are many email marketing and automation software out there, but Automizy is one of the best.

If you’re looking for something a little more simple, MailChimp and GetResponse are good alternatives to Automizy. They have many of the same features as Automizy, but they do not offer the drag-and-drop editor that makes it easy to create automated emails with this software.

SendGrid has tons of flexibility for advanced users who want total control over their marketing campaigns if you know how to code. It’s hard to beat its one-time fee because it comes with unlimited email sends per month and no annoying service contracts!

Automizy is one of the more popular options for WhatsApp marketing. So it’s not a surprise that it has some tough competition considering many other similar services are available to help you manage your account on this social media platform.


The team at Automizy has done a great job in creating easy to use software that can help you automate your customer support email. For those who are too busy or do know-how, this is the perfect solution for sending out pre-written emails and taking care of conversations with customers. What do you think? Have you tried it yet? Let me know what you think about it! Leave a comment below.

7.5 Total Score
Automizy Review

This Automizy Review targets to find out whether it is an extremely simple email marketing tool or not. Automizy is one of the most effective tools that can be used for email marketing, it comes as an extremely simple software which is known to deliver direct messages to subscribers with a click of the mouse button. Below are the reasons why this application is considered as one of the most powerful and reliable software available in the market today:

7.5Expert Score
6.8User's score
  • Real-time subject line screening
  • Accessibility of many automation themes & plans
  • Easy to set up AB/tests
  • Visual circulation contractor with an exceptional canvas
  • Minimal number of native assimilations
  • A/B examinations can be done just for the subject line as well as not for the e-mail body
  • No touchdown web page contractor
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Shajahan Sajal
Shajahan Sajal

I am Sajal. A Freelancer, a blogger, a Freelance Content Writer, and a geek when it comes to anything related to online marketing. Stay connected to me. Leave a comment if you like my articles.

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